Former Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon Inaugurated as Chair of People Power Party’s Emergency Response Committee: Latest Updates

2023-12-26 10:52:53

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Former Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon was inaugurated as chairman of the People Power Party’s emergency response committee.

Chairperson Han, who emphasized that “the elected people” and the people come first, rather than the elected successor, said that he would only give nominations to those who give up the privilege of not being arrested as a member of the National Assembly in next year’s general election, and that he would not run neither as a local constituency nor as a proportional representative.

In addition, the Democratic Party opened the door to an offensive once morest the opposition party, saying that it is a “privileged political force for the activist group” and must be liquidated.

Reporter Gu Seung-eun reports.

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Emergency Response Committee Chairman Han Dong-hoon, who was officially appointed with the overwhelming approval of the People Power Party National Committee, opened fire on the opposition party with his inauguration.

He directly attacked the Democratic Party with harsh expressions such as ‘activist privileged forces’ and ‘doggy totalitarianism’.

[한동훈/국민의힘 비상대책위원장]

″We must prevent Representative Lee Jae-myung’s Democratic Party from colluding with privileged activists and totalitarian forces and ruining the country for its own survival.″

“By handing out the receipts from 386 to 686, he reigns over the people who have lost generations,” he said, calling for an end to the privileged politics of the activist movement.

Targeting Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myung, he made it clear that there would be no compromise, saying, “This is a surreal Democratic Party that faces criminal trials for serious crimes three or four times a week.”

At the same time, he announced that he would not run in next year’s general election, saying that he would practice ‘selecting the people’ rather than ‘selecting the elected heir’.

[한동훈/국민의힘 비상대책위원장]

″I will not run for constituency. I will not run even proportionally.″

As the commander in charge of the general election, he also promised, “I will only nominate candidates who promise to give up their privilege of non-arrest.”

[한동훈/국민의힘 비상대책위원장]

″I will only present to the public those who do not think of public office as a bulletproof means and those who have no sense of privilege. Those who break their promises will be subject to strong action, including immediate expulsion from the party.”

Chairman Han said, “Let us calmly reflect on why the People Power Party cannot overwhelm the Democratic Party,” and pledged to “make full use of our strengths as the ruling party with sophisticated and powerful leadership and policies.”

The President’s Office reaffirmed its existing position that the ‘Special Prosecution Act on First Lady Kim Kun-hee’, which implied a ‘veto’ policy, was an ‘evil law for general elections’, but left room for discussion, saying it would discuss countermeasures with the party.

This is Koo Seung-eun from MBC News.

Video coverage: Jong-il Park / Video editing: Jae-seok Kim

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