“Former Education Minister Alejandro Gaviria Criticizes Incoherent Health Reform Process in Colombia”

2023-05-11 17:17:00

12:42 PM

This Thursday, when the discussion of the health reform was resumed which, apparently, could be approved with the support of the La U party, the outgoing Minister of Education and former head of the Health portfolio, Alejandro Gaviria, criticized the reform process.

Gaviria, who left the Petro Government on February 27 precisely for criticizing the reform of the outgoing Carolina Corcho, assured on his Twitter account that He did not believe it was possible to “give coherence and order” to the project by means of propositions.

Read here: The health reform would bring potential excess spending in primary care

“The reform is incoherent, has many legislative technical problems and probably has irreparable defects in its process,” the former minister maintained.

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And sent a strong message to the Seventh Committee of the House of Representativeswhere the reform is discussed: “I hope Congress acts responsibly.”

The Commission debates from 8:00 in the morning of this Thursday the project that intends to change the health system of Colombians. And although at one point it was thought that it was going to sink after the rejection of the Liberal, Conservative and La U parties to vote in their favora vote by a liberal congresswoman (Maria Eugenia Lopera) allowed the project to go ahead.

Several parties have pointed out that Corcho’s departure from the ministry unlocked the dialogue and for this reason they have announced that they will accompany the project only if the agreements that had previously been accepted, but which were not reflected in the presentation, are respected.

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In fact, it was also known that from La U they would be willing to support the reform after the departure of Corcho and the arrival of Guillermo Alfonso Jaramillo to the wallet.

#Gaviria #throws #darts #health #reform

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