Former deputy minister: A. Navalny’s disappearance right before the presidential elections in Russia is not accidental

A. Navalno’s team claims that the politician has been missing for 17 days and his current location is unknown.

“Today (Friday, – ed. post.) Alexey had to attend two court hearings. He was not brought to the hearings again. Navalny has never been hidden for so long,” A. Navalny’s team stated in a Telegram message.

Previously, members of A.Navalno’s team said that he was taken from a Moscow prison to an unknown location.

Navalny’s unusual length of absence from the public eye raises concerns about his well-being and safety.

A. Navalny’s aides once again asked to provide information. They are offering a cryptocurrency reward for detailed and reliable information about Navalny’s current location or condition.

Last week, to questions about A.Navalno’s absence, the Kremlin replied to journalists that “it has neither the intention nor the ability to monitor the fate of the prisoners and the process of their stay in the relevant institutions.”

Former Russian Deputy Minister of Energy, current adviser to A. Navalny Vladimir MIlov told CNN journalist Richard Quest that the timing of A. Navalny’s disappearance “is not accidental.”

He drew attention to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s announcement of his intention to participate in the 2024 Olympics. in the Russian presidential elections to be held in March.

Victory in these elections, which almost no one doubts, will allow V. Putin to maintain power at least until 2030.

“I think it’s a deliberate tactic. “It is no coincidence that A. Navalnas disappeared exactly at the time when the so-called presidential elections, which are fictitious, were announced and when V. Putin announced that he would participate in the elections again,” said V. Milov.

“Putin really wants to show that he intends to enter the Kremlin for another term by means of intimidation, repression, pressure on the public. This is an obvious blackmail of all opposition forces”, added V. Milovas.

Ahead of the interview, CNN reached out to Russia’s prison service Friday for information on Navalny’s whereabouts.

V. Milov told CNN on Friday that despite his efforts to find out A. Navalno’s whereabouts, “so far there is no answer.”

V. Milov said that his colleagues sent official and written requests to all known Russian prisons throughout the country, asking for information about A. Navalny’s whereabouts. He described the process as “frustrating” and “requiring a lot of time and effort.”

A.Navalno’s advisor added that some institutions sent replies confirming that A.Navalno is not in those institutions.

The other institutions, he said, have not yet sent their responses, and cooperation with the institutions is an “ongoing process.”

Prisoner transfers in Russia are notorious for sometimes taking several weeks. During these transfers, prisoners are inaccessible and information about their whereabouts is very limited or not released at all.

A. Navalnas in 2021 was arrested after returning to Moscow from Germany, where he was treated for nerve agent poisoning. A. Navalny blames the Kremlin for this incident.

#deputy #minister #Navalnys #disappearance #presidential #elections #Russia #accidental
2024-07-25 07:02:39



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