“Former CGT Leader Philippe Martinez Returns to Work at Renault: Inside Look at His New Role”

2023-05-01 05:59:08

The former leader of the CGT has returned to work in his original company, Renault, at the Guyancourt site in the Yvelines, far from cameras and spotlights.

For the first time since 2014, he will not be the No. 1 representative of the CGT at the head of the May Day demonstration in the streets of Paris. A month following passing the torch to Sophie Binet, the former secretary general of the CGT Philippe Martinez is no longer in front of the cameras and in the spotlight.

A Renault employee, the former steelworker returned to work at the Guyancourt site, in the Yvelines, regarding thirty kilometers from Paris. If some of his colleagues recognized him, his arrival was rather discreet.

On his first day, the former leader of the CGT still went to the local union, where he was welcomed by several activists from the site, in a small committee and in peace.

But when he wanders the halls of the company, it’s a different story.

“He met employees who were either surprised to see him, or who congratulated him, said a word regarding the mobilizations”, explains Mathieu Golinelli, member of the union.

“In charge of a mission related to his acquired experience”

At 62, what position will Philippe Martinez actually occupy at Renault? On the manufacturer side, we remain vague. Contacted, the company explains that the former figure of trade unionism “reintegrated Renault on April 3, as planned and as is the case for any employee whose secondment ends”.

“Within the company, he is responsible for a mission related to his acquired experience, we will not comment,” continues Renault.

Philippe Martinez will therefore not become a metallurgist as he did when he started out. “It’s a management position, human resources,” explains Mathieu Golinelli.

Last February, at the microphone of BFMTV, the former secretary general of the CGT, 62, explained that he was missing a few quarters, before being able to retire at the full rate.

Alexia Ferré, Lorène Godefroy and Edgar Bequet

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