Former Broncos Player Kills Mountain Lion in Colorado – NBC Denver

DENVER, Colorado – A former Denver Broncos player is getting a lot of attention on social media following killing a massive mountain lion and posting a photo to prove it.

Thursday, Derek Wolfe posted on his Instagram account that he had killed a mountain lion in Colorado earlier this week following it “wreaked havoc in a rural neighborhood.”

According to his post, the giant animal had already killed two of a family’s dogs and caused other damage in the area.

Wolfe said the mountain lion hunt began Tuesday. He added that a hunting guide he knew had been told the lion was attacking the family’s dogs and hiding under a deck in Grant, a small town in Park County.

The former Denver Broncos player said the cat was in a tree and used a bow and arrow to kill it.

Considering Wolfe is 6-foot-5, this mountain lion might easily have been over seven feet long.

A spokesperson for the Colorado Departments of Parks and Wildlife (CPW) said Wolfe did everything required of him to legally hunt the big cat.

According to CPW, Wolfe obtained his mountain lion hunting license and is “in good standing” with the organization. He also said Wolfe checked all the necessary boxes, such as properly reporting the death, so that everything is correct.

Wolfe himself insisted on his podcast “The Drive” in which he did nothing wrong and clarified that the puma was a threat to neighboring communities.

Mountain lion hunters must pass a certification course, which is an additional requirement to hunt this animal.

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