Former Attorney General Jesús Murillo Karam’s Medical Transfers and Legal Proceedings in Mexico City

2023-06-22 17:04:31

The Secretary of Citizen Security (SSC) from Mexico City reported that the former Attorney General of the Republic, Jesús Murillo Karamwas transferred from the North Reclusorio to the specialties hospital Belisario Dominguez for a scheduled appointment.

In April, Murillo Karam was re-admitted to North Prison following being discharged from the National Institute of Cardiology.

It may interest you: Jesús Murillo Karam re-enters the North Prison following a medical review at the National Institute of Cardiology

The ex-prosecutor was admitted at that time to the National Institute of Cardiology “Dr. Ignacio Chávez ”due to problems with his blood pressure.

On that occasion, according to the authorities, the transfer was due to a diagnosis of arterial hypertension in lack of control. “However, at the time of his referral, he presented normal blood pressure figures,” it was reported.

At the end of December of last year, Murillo Karam He was discharged from the same place following being admitted following receiving care at the “Ignacio Chávez” National Institute of Cardiology, in the intensive care area, where he was hospitalized for 13 days.

At that time, the ex-prosecutor’s defense accused that his discharge put his health and life at risk.

You can read: 40 new pieces of evidence were added once morest Murillo Karam related to the Ayotzinapa case, says Encinas

On August 19 of last year, the General Prosecutor of the Republic (FGR) executed an arrest warrant once morest Karam for the crimes of forced disappearance, torture and once morest the administration of justice in the Ayotzinapa caseregarding the disappearance of 43 normalistas on September 26, 2014.

For this reason, he was admitted to Men’s North Prison, where five days later, August 24, a judge linked him to the process and ordered preventive detention, which was ratified given the possibility that the former official decided to leave the country.

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