Formal employment continues to grow in Paraguay, according to official data

Asuncion, IP Agency.- In the last 12 months, more than 29,000 new workers have joined the formal private salaried employment system, according to the Social Security Institute (IPS), which in turn represents some 70,000 protected people.

The report reveals that for every registered worker, 1.5 additional beneficiaries are added to social security, which represents more than 70,000 people protected against economic and health risks in the last 12 months.

To this end, the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security has stepped up labour inspections, simplified procedures and registered thousands of workers who were not previously included in the system.

Month after month, through combined actions between the Ministry of Labor, the Social Security Institute (IPS) and other institutions, the number of contributors has increased, going from 712,518 in July 2023 to 741,624 in July of this year.

Greater access to quality jobs, with the corresponding coverage of compulsory social security, is one of the Government’s priority management lines.

“A step towards quality jobs and greater social security for all,” highlights the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security (Mtess) through its social networks.

The State portfolio emphasizes that formalization allows the worker to have health coverage and economic benefits (accidents, illnesses and maternity), savings for old age, economic benefits for temporary or permanent disability, financial inclusion and development of a reliable credit history, and a pension for beneficiaries (family members) in case of death.

For employers, it reflects the commitment to formalize their workers and thus avoid sanctions, have legal certainty regarding any health, maternity or other work-related risk, and the peace of mind of having formalized and identified personnel.

#Formal #employment #continues #grow #Paraguay #official #data
2024-08-15 19:51:34



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