‘Forgotten vitamins’?… Migraines, seizures, etc. in case of overdose

Vitamin deficiency causes a variety of abnormal symptoms

Vitamin B6 also affects mental health. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

As interest in health supplements increased, Vitamin Bare also getting attention.

Prevent anemia and maintain bone healthhelping to Vitamin B12 and B9 (folic acid) needed for a healthy pregnancyis the most well-known type of vitamin B.

latest vitaminsB6 is An Oxford study on the impact on mental health has received attention. Rim Malof, a neurologist at the University of Oxford. Vitamin B6 is forgotten vitamins‘. other vitaminsLike B, it is an essential nutrient, and although it affects mental health, it has received comparatively less attention.

Vitamin B6 influences the regulation of homocysteine ​​levels, which affects blood vessel health, enhances immune system function, and several chemical reactions in the nervous system and brain function.nutrients involved in

It is especially important for pregnancy and postpartum care. The New York Times (NYT) said, “Vitamin B6 is essential for pregnant women. Helps relieve morning sickness fetal and infant brains “(Vitamin B6) deficiency is associated with several neuropsychiatric conditions, including seizures, migraines, anxiety, depression and memory impairment,” he said.

“It is a known fact that vitamin B6 is related to mental health,” said Jess Eastwood, PhD researcher in nutritional psychology at the University of Reading, UK.

In a study conducted in July by Eastwood researchers with 500 college students, high doses of up to 100 mg per day for one month were found. vitamin B6Those who took it were found to feel less anxiety than those who did not. The NYT said, “This study is a vitamin suggested that B6 may have a role in inhibiting brain activity that can occur with certain mood disorders.everything,” he pointed out.

However, Eastwood added that it is difficult to draw conclusions because the size of this study is small and sufficient research on the effects of B6 and mental health has not yet been conducted.

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The recommended daily intake of vitamin B6 for most healthy adults is 1.3 to 1.7 mg. Like other essential vitamins, the body cannot produce B6 on its own, so it must be obtained from food or supplements. Prolonged vitamin B6 deficiency may result in anemia, depression, confusion, fatigue, and weakened immune system and symptoms.

Healthy adults can get sufficient amounts of vitamin B6 from food alone. It is abundant in foods such as tuna and salmon, fortified cereals, chickpeas, poultry, dark leafy greens, bananas, oranges, melons and nuts.

Most nutritional supplements contain much more than the daily requirement, so you need to be careful when consuming them. The National Institutes of Health recommends that adults consume no more than 100 mg per day. Long-term use of much larger amounts can cause weakness, numbness, and pain in the hands and feet. Most symptoms subside when the high dose is stopped.

Be aware that the diabetes drug metformin, some antihypertensive drugs, and alcohol tend to cause B6 loss in the body. People with renal or malabsorption syndromes, such as chronic kidney disease, ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, are also prone to B6 deficiency.

People who are deficient in B6 tend to be deficient in other B vitamins as well, so it is wiser to take a B vitamin complex supplement.

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