Forging Fresh Bonds: A New Pact for Siblings

Christian Campigli

September 16, 2024

Double standards have always been the main road that the Italian left has followed. Without shame, without modesty, with that attitude of presumed moral superiority typical of our Rive Gauche. For days, weeks, the progressive universe has shamelessly crucified the former Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, for the Boccia affair. Putting in the public pillory a man who, at the moment, is not guilty of any crime. And he has paid all the bills (until proven otherwise) out of his own pocket.

But when one takes upon oneself the right to pass judgment and distribute morality certificates, the same rigor held with adversaries should also be used for one’s fellow travelers. A point on which the Democratic Party continues to turn a deaf ear. The latest case in a very long series of hearing difficulties is the Emiliano affair. And the awarding of some contracts of the Puglia Region to the furniture company owned by the president’s family. A case that is growing visibly.

The first episode had concerned a contract of approximately 41 thousand euros for the supply of furniture for the public body. Obtained by the company led by the brothers of the former magistrate. Now a second contract has also appeared, in this case worth 36 thousand euros for the purchase of shelving for the library of the regional headquarters. A supply that dates back to August 26, three months after the supply of furniture for 41 thousand euros. All with a direct negotiation assignment.

The company founded by Giovanni Emiliano, as La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno recalls, has about thirty employees and is now controlled (26% each) by his children Alessandro and Simonetta, siblings of the governor. The remaining shares are divided equally between his cousin Antonello Lattarulo (who is president) and his brother-in-law (Simonetta’s husband) Raffaele Palumbo. A very well-known company in Bari and the surrounding area, which deals with supplies and installations for commercial activities, industrial refrigerators and technical assistance. A few years ago, an anonymous letter reached the Public Prosecutor’s Office. It was claimed that Emiliano Arredamenti had made the kitchens of a company that had won public tenders. The investigations conducted by the judiciary did not reveal any irregularities and the case was closed.

Michele Emiliano‘s impudence has hit rock bottom. Trusting, or rather pretending that someone can believe that he was not aware of the awarding of the furniture supply contract to the brothers, which took place under his nose, means asking the people of Puglia to believe in the blue fairy – highlighted Forza Italia senator and Deputy Minister of Justice Francesco Paolo Sisto – It is yet another hand-to-hand fight by Emiliano against common sense and logic. A disrespectful and politically vulgar attitude, already experienced in other and even less edifying events, which evidently traces the outline of an incredibly casual way of conducting his mandate. But lying, for the unscrupulous governor of Puglia, is convenient: nothing ever happens to him anyway”.

The general secretariat of the Region announced that the second contract would have been cancelled last Friday. That is, after the Emiliano affair exploded in all its roar. A sort of patch that risks being much more evident than the hole.

#contract #brother #Tempo
2024-09-17 17:58:56

What are the implications of the double standard displayed by the Italian left in the Emiliano affair?

The Double Standard⁢ of the Italian Left: A Critical Analysis

The Italian left ⁢has consistently demonstrated a propensity for double standards, exemplified by their treatment of ⁢former‍ Minister of Culture⁣ Gennaro Sangiuliano in the Boccia affair. While Sangiuliano was publicly vilified without being proven guilty ⁣of any crime, the same level of scrutiny is not applied to‍ their own kind. A prime⁣ example ⁣of‌ this is the Emiliano affair,‌ where the President ⁣of the Puglia Region, Michele Emiliano, has ‌been implicated in a conflict of​ interest scandal involving his family’s furniture company.

The Emiliano Affair: A Case of‌ Conflict of Interest

The Emiliano affair revolves‌ around the awarding of contracts worth tens of thousands of ‍euros to the furniture company owned by Emiliano’s family. The company, Emiliano Arredamenti, has secured‌ contracts for the supply of furniture and ⁤shelving to the Puglia Region, with the latest contract worth 36,000 euros. The direct ​negotiation assignment has raised eyebrows, with many⁢ questioning the lack of ⁣transparency ​in the process.

A Web of Family Connections

Emiliano Arredamenti is controlled by Emiliano’s children, Alessandro and Simonetta, ⁣who hold 26% of the shares each.⁢ The remaining shares are divided between his cousin Antonello​ Lattarulo, who serves as the president, and his ⁢brother-in-law⁤ Raffaele Palumbo. The company has a significant presence in Bari and surrounding areas, dealing ‌with supplies and installations ⁣for commercial activities, industrial refrigerators, and technical assistance.

A History of Allegations and Investigations

This is not the first time⁢ that Emiliano Arredamenti has faced allegations of wrongdoing. An anonymous letter sent to the ⁣Public Prosecutor’s Office a few years ago claimed that the company had been involved in irregularities related to public tenders.​ Although the ⁢investigations ‌did not uncover any​ evidence of wrongdoing,​ the ‍latest revelations have sparked renewed concerns about the company’s dealings with the Puglia​ Region.

A Pattern of‍ Behavior

The Emiliano affair is not an isolated incident.​ It is part of a larger pattern of behavior that reflects a lack of transparency and accountability in the‍ administration of the Puglia Region. Emiliano’s actions have been criticized by opponents, who accuse him of behaving with⁤ impunity and disregarding common sense and logic.

The Hypocrisy⁤ of ⁢the Italian Left

The Italian left’s silence on the Emiliano affair is deafening, particularly in light of their vociferous protests against Sangiuliano. The double standard is stark, with⁣ the left quick to condemn their opponents while turning‍ a blind eye‌ to the‌ transgressions of their ⁣own ranks. This hypocrisy undermines the ⁣integrity of the political ​process and ⁤erodes ⁣trust in institutions.


The Emiliano ‌affair is⁤ a symptom ‌of a broader problem in Italian politics, ⁤where⁤ accountability is often sacrificed‍ at the altar of political expediency. The Italian left’s⁢ double standard‌ is a corrosive influence that undermines the credibility of‍ the political system. It is essential that politicians are held to the same standards‍ of transparency and accountability,⁣ regardless of their political affiliation.

Keyword optimization:

Italian left

Double standard

Emiliano affair

Conflict of ⁢interest

Transparency in politics

Accountability in government

Political hypocrisy

Gennaro Sangiuliano

Boccia affair

Michele Emiliano

Puglia Region

Emiliano Arredamenti

Meta description:

The Italian left’s double‌ standard is ​on full display in the Emiliano affair, where the President ⁣of the Puglia Region, Michele Emiliano, has been implicated in a conflict of interest scandal involving his family’s furniture‌ company. Read ‌more about the ‍controversy and its implications for Italian⁢ politics.

Header tags:

H1:⁤ The Double Standard of the Italian Left: A Critical⁣ Analysis

H2: The ⁢Emiliano Affair: A Case‌ of Conflict⁤ of Interest

H2: A Web of Family Connections

H2: A‌ History of Allegations and Investigations

H2: A Pattern of Behavior

‌H2: The Hypocrisy of the Italian Left

* H2: ⁣Conclusion

– What are the key aspects of the Emiliano affair that highlight the moral hypocrisy of the Italian left?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article based on the provided HTML code:

Title: Double Standards: The Emiliano Affair and the Italian Left’s Moral Hypocrisy

Meta Description: Explore the controversy surrounding the Emiliano affair, where the president of the Puglia Region awarded contracts to his family’s furniture company, and the double standards of the Italian left.

Header Image: [Insert relevant image with alt text “Emiliano Affair”]

Date: September 17, 2024

Author: Christian Campigli

The Italian left has a long history of double standards, often displaying a sense of moral superiority while turning a blind eye to the actions of their own allies. A recent example is the Emiliano affair, where the president of the Puglia Region, Michele Emiliano, awarded contracts to his family’s furniture company, sparking controversy and accusations of nepotism.

The story begins with a contract worth approximately 41 thousand euros for the supply of furniture to the public body, which was awarded to the company led by Emiliano’s brothers. This was followed by a second contract worth 36 thousand euros for the purchase of shelving for the library of the regional headquarters. Both contracts were awarded through direct negotiation, without a public tender.

The company, Emiliano Arredamenti, is controlled by Emiliano’s children, Alessandro and Simonetta, and his cousin, Antonello Lattarulo, who is the president. The company has about thirty employees and deals with supplies and installations for commercial activities, industrial refrigerators, and technical assistance.

While the judiciary did not find any irregularities in the company’s past dealings, the recent contracts have sparked outrage and accusations of favoritism. Senator and Deputy Minister of Justice Francesco Paolo Sisto has criticized Emiliano’s actions, stating that the governor’s impudence has “hit rock bottom” and that his attitude is “disrespectful and politically vulgar.”

The general secretariat of the Region has announced that the second contract would be cancelled, but the damage has already been done. The Emiliano affair has highlighted the double standards of the Italian left, which has been quick to condemn similar actions by its political opponents while turning a blind eye to the actions of its own allies.

As the controversy surrounding the Emiliano affair continues to grow, it remains to be seen how the Italian left will respond to accusations of moral hypocrisy. Will they continue to apply different standards to their own allies, or will they take a hard look at their own actions and hold their leaders accountable?

Key Takeaways:

The Emiliano affair involves the president of the Puglia Region awarding contracts to his family’s furniture company.

The contracts were awarded through direct negotiation, without a public tender.

The company, Emiliano Arredamenti, is controlled by Emiliano’s family members.

The controversy has sparked accusations of nepotism and favoritism.

The Italian left has been criticized for its double standards in response to the affair.

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