Forgetting is not forgotten Gulf newspaper

2023-07-07 19:43:31

Iman Al Hashemi
Let me write some of the most important pioneering philosophical ideas, so that the features of analytical thought appear in a simplified manner and the benefit spreads, as most of the mental illnesses, internal complexes, and perhaps prevailing mental illnesses, result from intense understanding, increased awareness, and an intensification of the amount of excessive vigilance, but what if the heart suffers from memory loss or a disease Alzheimer’s forget? He no longer remembers what has passed or what has become! Do you see him then falling in a different or new love? Or will he love someone who didn’t deserve him once more? In general, the scourge of knowledge is forgetfulness, and the scourge of pain is not forgetting, but is it possible for a composer not to remember his melodies? Doesn’t he mention his position or even his place? Perhaps his name, his work, his knowledge and his time! Sometimes reality cannot remember the imagination, and sometimes the imagination cannot forget the reality! Remember this well!

He is Aaron Copeland, an accomplished composer, prominent arranger, skilled musician, creative writer, and critic. He has a long mind, a wide chest, and a kind, non-hating heart. Perhaps that is why the world as a whole agreed that he is the most brilliant musician that the United States of America has produced. He was born in the early modern era to play with his creative fingers the most beautiful classical masterpieces, as well as He created important and immortal works that helped liberate his country from the molds of traditional European notes, which in turn contributed to the development of the features of the national melodic identity, and we do not forget that he participated in Hollywood cinema with his expressive music, i.e. pictorial, and also wrote “Variations for the Piano” in several works characterized by majestic beauty and vitality, As well as many other solo works that require a lot of individual skills, and in 1925 his symphony was presented for the first time under the auspices of the New York Symphony Society, and so Copeland continued to develop creativity and invest in innovation, until he achieved the greatest victory by winning the Academy Award, and also He won the National Medal of Arts, as if he had found a buried treasure in himself, as well as the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and several other awards in record time.

He led the orchestra from the works of other musicians with great passion and understanding, and encouraged all talents wherever and however he saw them, young and old, and dealt with great ethics and respect with all fans, and he never responded to the words of haters and the actions of haters, and perhaps he was working hard to forget his wounds, so he gradually forgot everything until His soul forgot him, for (Aaron Copeland) died of the dreaded Alzheimer’s disease, at the age of ninety, and he lived exactly from 1900 to 1990.
the name: Aaron Copeland

Activity:the music

Among his works:Hoedown

the date:

1900 – 1900

#Forgetting #forgotten #Gulf #newspaper



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