“Forget the stifling heat”. Then the surprise –

If for months the heat has been in the headlines of newspapers and websites, now it’s the cold that’s being talked about. The second part of September, characterized by a sudden drop in temperatures, has sparked discussions on the ways in which the weather has changed and has fueled questions from Italians who thought they would still be spending long days outdoors. However, there is no need to be discouraged. Already over the weekend, “in much of the country the temperature picture will return to normal, that is, with temperatures in line with seasonal averages”. These are the words of Colonel Mario Giuliacci. Between the end of the current month and the beginning of October, however, there will be “some surprises”. “Forget the suffocating heat”, wrote the expert on meteogiuliacci.it.

It will last 48 hours. Weather, Sottocorona has no doubts: where it will hit

Next week temperatures will be “pleasant, typical of late September”. Around September 27-28, the picture could change. There will in fact be “a marked expansion of high pressure towards the Central and Eastern Mediterranean, with partial involvement of our Peninsula, where we can therefore expect a significant rise in temperatures”, continued Giuliacci. What should we expect? “Temperatures, at least in the Center and South, will in fact temporarily push above normal, but without particularly high values”, concluded the meteorologist.

#Forget #stifling #heat #surprise #Tempo
2024-09-19 20:45:13



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