Forget silicon for solar energy, remember perovskite

Forget silicon for solar energy, remember perovskite

The day is not far when the use of conventional silicon for the manufacture of solar cells will be reduced as another material with superior properties has yielded very promising results.

This group of substances is collectively called perovskites. They will be inexpensive and flexible enough to be wrapped around cars and buildings.

Even the best silicon solar cells that have appeared since the 1950s can convert 22% of the amount of sunlight into energy. The capacity of solar cells made from

It is expected to reach 40 percent or even higher very soon. If this becomes possible, cells with twice the capacity of today’s best solar cells can be made.

In this way, half of the solar panels will be able to provide the same cost-effective electricity as the panels of twice the size. This will enable huge savings in land, labor and other inputs. The lead scientist behind the research, Henry Snaith, says that efforts are being made to improve the efficiency of solar cells all over the world and we have taken this task from perovskite.

Perovskite was discovered in 1839 and can be obtained from cheap minerals found everywhere on Earth. Even following being applied to silicon, the ability to deliver power even in clouds and indoors is not affected. Proskite can now also be made with a 3D printer.

Thus, they can be attached to electric poles, common objects and even furniture. Oxford PV Company will begin regular commercial production of perovskite from next year. A company will be created in Germany for this. In the initial phase, it will be possible to save 1000 dollars on a home solar panel without making any difference on energy.

#Forget #silicon #solar #energy #remember #perovskite
2024-07-19 15:27:20



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