Many men have recently suffered from sexual problems as a result of the nervous pressures they are exposed to, in addition to the unhealthy food that they eat daily, which affects sexual health directly, and they are looking for solutions to this problem away from chemical solutions that have many side effects and damages, Especially for those who suffer from heart problems, and therefore many people turn to alternative medicine to enhance sexual ability. During this article, we will learn regarding the best natural solutions to get rid of sexual problems.
method of solving sexual problems
Sexual problems are divided into three parts, which are the unwillingness to practice the relationship, or problems with the strength of an erection, or premature ejaculation, which loses the marital relationship a large part of its pleasure. In solving all the problems that you face, as it helps to delay the ejaculation process, which gives you more time for pleasure, in addition to it significantly increasing sexual desire, in addition to its role in increasing the strength of the erection, which makes it the ideal solution for the three most sexual problems facing men.
How to prepare and use Al-Jadheed
It is washed well and filtered, then the roots are removed from it, then it is cut into small pieces and added to a cup of water and boiled for five minutes, then left until it cools and is filtered and sweetened with natural honey. A small cup is taken before each meal three times a day, but it is advised not to overdo it. Not to take it for more than a month.