Forest Fire Alert: Rising Risk in Lower Saxony Due to Drought and Dry Weather

2023-06-09 09:22:06

Status: 06/09/2023 06:16 a.m

In parts of Lower Saxony, the risk of forest fires continues to increase. The forest fire control center in Lüneburg is alarmed: the situation should remain tense beyond the weekend.

“We’ve had really critical conditions since the beginning of the month,” said Helmut Beuke, head of the forest fire control center in Lüneburg. The situation in some regions will become “even more critical” by the beginning of next week. The second highest forest fire danger level 4 has been in effect in the Lüneburg Heath for several days. The highest warning level is expected in Wendland and near Celle today. The lower forest authority of the district of Nienburg/Weser has already issued an urgent warning to walkers: no open fire in areas near the forest, do not throw away smoking or cigarette butts, do not leave any glass waste because of the burning glass effect and do not park on dry ground.

Soils in Lower Saxony have dried out

Cause for the development, which also several other federal states, in particular Brandenburg hits is the weather. In spring it rained more than in previous years, but not for a good two weeks, said Beuke. The wind made the situation worse. As a result, the soil dried out everywhere in Lower Saxony. According to Beuke, the cameras of the forest fire center in the heath have already been triggered regarding 150 times this year. Most of these were small forest fires that might be quickly extinguished. Between 400 and 1,000 reports from 17 locations arrive at the forest fire control center every day. In the north-eastern part of Lower Saxony, which is particularly at risk, 440,000 hectares of forest are being monitored.


4 Min

A forest fire broke out in the Harz mountains on Sunday. Olaf Rebmann from the State Fire Brigade Association in conversation. 4 mins

Forest fires: New equipment for firefighters

The fire brigades see themselves well prepared for possible forest and wildfires. That said Olaf Rebmann from the Lower Saxony State Fire Brigade Association. The comrades made special, adapted courses. The nearly 126,000 volunteer firefighters and professional fire brigades would thus be prepared for new dangers. In addition, new technology has been procured or at least ordered, according to Rebmann. The Ministry of the Interior had already announced additional equipment and special units for fighting forest fires in the summer of last year.

Firefighting backpacks and new vehicles in the district of Goslar

In the district of Goslar, for example, the fire brigades were equipped with fire fighting backpacks. In addition, many local fire brigades received new protective clothing and new vehicles with pumps and water tanks. The country also creates two fire-fighting aircraft, which are stationed in Braunschweig. These can support the ground forces in the event of a fire. Already with the one that broke out on Sunday and has since been deleted Forest fire on the Brocken, the emergency services received support from the air.

Further information

A warning sign that draws attention to the increased risk of forest fires © picture alliance swen pförtner Photo: Swen Pförtner

A map shows where the risk of fires in northern Germany is high – and how the risk is developing. more

A firefighter uses a water hose to extinguish the embers of a forest fire surrounded by clouds of smoke.  © NDR Photo: Ralf Drefin

The dry, warm weather in the north increases the risk of forest fires and leads to a shortage of drinking water. There are first appeals to save water. (07.06.2023) more

The fire brigade extinguishes a forest fire.

1 Min

The danger of forest fires increases during the summer drought. Forest visitors can also make an important contribution to avoiding such fires. 1 min

A fire is smoldering in a moor in the district of Dioiepholz © Nord-West-Media TV

Remains of the campfire were discovered by emergency services at the fire site near Gartow. Around 5,000 square meters burned down. (05/30/2023) more

A drone shot shows smoke rising from a piece of whale.  © district fire brigade Lüchow-Dannenberg

North of the B493, the forest burned over an area of ​​5,000 square meters. A firefighter suffered smoke inhalation. (05/28/2023) more

Interior Minister Daniela Behrens (SPD) speaks to a firefighter during her inaugural visit to the NLBK.  © picture alliance/dpa |  Moritz Frankenberg Photo: Moritz Frankenberg

Among other things, attendance times during training and further education are to be reduced. VR technology should also come into focus. (04/12/2023) more

A glowing cigarette ignites a fire on the ground.  © picture-alliance/ dpa Photo: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand

Long periods of drought increase the risk of forest fires. How can forest fires be avoided? What do you have to do if there is a fire? And what do the forest fire danger levels mean? (07/26/2019) more

This topic in the program:

NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Regional Hanover | 09.06.2023 | 6:30 a.m

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