Foreign Minister Murillo: Colombia will continue trying to mediate Venezuela’s political crisis

Foreign Minister Murillo: Colombia will continue trying to mediate Venezuela’s political crisis

Colombian Foreign Minister Luis Gilberto Murillo said that Colombia maintains its position as a country that builds bridges to achieve “fundamental solutions in Venezuela,” following the elections of July 28, in which the opposition claims victory over Nicolás Maduro.

This was stated by Murillo at the end of the meeting of the Foreign Relations Advisory Commission, made up of former presidents and former high-ranking Colombian officials, which on this occasion was attended by Colombian President Gustavo Petro.

“There was a lot of emphasis on the fact that this is a changing, very dynamic process and we must be very attentive to ensure that Colombia remains a country that builds bridges and can generate facilitation and mediation for fundamental solutions in Venezuela and that these are solutions that start from dialogue, from political negotiation by the Venezuelans themselves,” said Murillo.


On the other hand, he assured that members of the Commission look favorably on the position taken by Colombia together with Brazil and Mexico regarding the situation in Venezuela following the presidential elections in that country.

“The vast majority of the members of the Commission stated that they look favorably on the position expressed by President Petro, together with President (Luiz Inácio) Lula da Silva, and which they share with President (Andrés Manuel) López Obrador, and we believe that this is an important step,” said Murillo.

He also said that the doors have not been closed to mediation by the country: “Colombia can still play a very important role and is called to do so.”

Murillo was referring to the position expressed by former Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos (2010-2018), who stated in a memorandum that “Colombia’s caution in remaining a possible mediator and maintaining channels of communication is understandable,” although he believes that “this window is closing, which turns caution into weakness or even complicity.”

The former president was invited to participate in the meeting of the Foreign Relations Advisory Committee but he excused himself from attending and that is why he sent the document.

Great absentees

Former presidents Iván Duque (2018-2022), Álvaro Uribe (2002-2010), Andrés Pastrana (1998-2002) and César Gaviria (1990-1994) also did not attend, because they did not agree with the way in which Petro has handled foreign policy issues such as that of Venezuela.

Former President Ernesto Samper (1994-1998) did attend the meeting.

Tuesday’s meeting was the second of the Commission’s meetings in the last two weeks to discuss several issues, mainly that of Venezuela.

Petro and Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva insisted on Saturday on the need to publish the electoral records “broken down by voting table” after the Supreme Court of Venezuela approved Maduro’s victory, which they “took note of.”

Bogota / EFE

#Foreign #Minister #Murillo #Colombia #continue #mediate #Venezuelas #political #crisis
2024-08-31 07:38:07



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