For years they have been asking for new speed limits: Mike was close to being run over

There are many stretches of road that, as a cyclist, can feel uncomfortable – or downright dangerous.

In the Aalborg district of Vejgård there is a stretch that not only feels unsafe for road users, but also has a number of accidents on its conscience.


The road which, among other things, connects central Aalborg with the university, and which functions as one of the city’s important traffic corridors.

The northernmost part of the stretch up through Vejgård town center has no cycle path, but the space is tight, and cyclists have to fight their way between both moving and parked cars.

– We cyclists know very well that it is more dangerous to ride there than on a cycle path, but you hope for the best every time, says Mike Hedlund-White, local chairman of the Cyklistforbundet in Aalborg.

Aalborg Municipality has a vision of zero traffic fatalities by 2040. That is why speed limits have been lowered in several places. However, not through the central Vejgård.
Photo: Lars Pauli

Years ago, he himself came close to being run over by a car that passed so close that he was about to be crushed.

– The space is so narrow that there is no room to provide the space that might be needed to pass, he believes and says:

– Every single cyclist who rides there every morning moves in an area with an extra high risk of life and limb, because Hadsundvej is the way it is.

He is not alone in his concern.

Both cyclists and the local community have been shouting about the insecurity on Hadsundvej for several years. Even so, motorists must still drive 50 km/h.

Even if everyone agrees, it is not certain that anything will be done about it just yet.

And there is a very simple reason for that.

2024-08-19 13:00:44
#years #speed #limits #Mike #close #run



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