“For veterinary oncology, not being able to have medicines from human medicine would be tragic” – University

Ricardo Floriani, president of the Mendoza College of Veterinarians, explained that the recent decree 185/2023 placed veterinarians on a par with other health professionals to formalize a work scheme that had been going on for a long time: the sale of pet remedies prescribed by those who specialize in caring for animals.

the recent decree 185/2023 replaces subparagraph c) of article 25 of the regulation of law 17,565 to regulate the exercise of pharmaceutical activity. This implied that it placed veterinarians on a par with other health professionals to be able to prescribe medicines for human use. In other words, it formalized a work scheme that it had been happening for a long time: the sale of pet remedies prescribed by those who specialize in caring for animals. This is how he explained it on Radio U Ricardo Floriani, President of the College of Veterinarians of Mendoza to clarify that for decades they have been working with the pharmacy.

“For this reason, we celebrate that we are incorporated together with professionals who have an impact on health,” said the veterinarian.

It is that the development of the human pharmaceutical industry advances much faster than that of animals and there are remedies and treatments that can be used without problems to improve their quality of life, especially when the pet has an oncological disease. “For veterinary oncology, not having drugs from human medicine would be tragic,” said Floriani.

During the interview, he also clarified that there is no increase in the number of dogs and cats with cancer, but that what exists is a better and more accurate diagnosis of diseases in animals. “The clinic that could be done before was very basic, now everything is much more advanced and it also has to do with giving companion animals a more relevant place within the family,” said the veterinarian.

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