For the territorial director of the Alpes-Maritimes of Enedis, the main challenge is to support the transition

Xavier Montuelle has been at the head of Enedis on the Côte d’Azur since December. The ecological transition, listening to customers, the search for partnerships, etc. are part of the priority work areas of this father who, at 47, succeeds Carole Ory as regional director of the Alpes-Maritimes.
With “pride” and “enthusiasm”, Xavier Montuelle took over the management of the company of 750 employees having “invested 64 million euros last year” through the maralpine territory. And is committed to leaving no one behind.

What are your priorities at the head of Enedis?

Partnerships and listening to customers are among our priorities, especially in these somewhat complicated times around energy. We must preserve our fundamentals as an electricity distributor and public service. All societal topics around gender equality, the LGBTQIA+ movement are also close to my heart. We must drive, embody these changes. It is important to have diversity in representation in our company.

Is the energy transition a major challenge for you?

We want to strengthen our support alongside local authorities in their approach to transition and energy sobriety. The demand is there and our main challenge is to support the ecological transition of the territory.

With the development of photovoltaics for example?

We feel that the Department and the Region are driving forces. And on the coast, there is a potential of roofs available to install panels either for consumption or for resale. It allows you to lower your energy bill and capitalize on your assets.

However, the deployment seems slow…

The legislative apparatus must evolve on this, but things are changing quickly. You have to be able to predict tomorrow’s activity.

At the end of February, during the agricultural show in Paris, you signed an agreement with the Chamber of Agriculture. What does it consist of?

This agreement establishes a partnership around three themes. Support for local farmers on ecological transition; their support around the development of electric mobility; Finally, we are also going to carry out awareness-raising and prevention actions around the electricity network so that farmers have the right gestures and that uses are not dangerous.

Why is this type of agreement important for Enedis?

We are a local company, we are looking for partnerships that make sense in our territory.
Even though farmers are not the bulk of the department’s GDP, it is believed that there are no small customers. They are professional customers who deserve to be considered like the others. We have had this type of agreement with the construction industry for several years.



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