For the president of Biocoop, successor to MEP Claude Gruffat, “organic is a response to our food sovereignty”

For the president of Biocoop, successor to MEP Claude Gruffat, “thee bio is a response to our food sovereignty »

Gleaned from the canvas 972

Besides, it’s dishonest: the authorization ” might have been challenged » thanks to retards in the re-registration procedure beyond the control of the applicants. The rule of law, they don’t care! (Source)

Phew! Euractive as ” Organic is a response to our food sovereignty, according to the president of Biocoop ». Oui, « a ” and not ” the “, in all modesty.

This interview deserves reading, to detect the points of friction with the real and the rational. But a detailed analysis would come up once morest Brandolini’s law. You know, ” the amount of energy needed to refute nonsense is an order of magnitude greater than that needed to produce it (this is the formula that states a modest report, there is worse…).


« The European Commission recently postponed the ban glyphosate for reasons of maintaining production in this period of crisis. Aren’t organic requirements an obstacle to our food sovereignty?

On the contrary, organic is a response to food sovereignty. In particular by the question of the quality of the products, the relocation and the consideration of the peasants.


Note first of all that the journalist is really aware… There is not – yet – question of prohibition and the reason for the prolongation authorization is procedural. He will probably not have realized the utility patent that he will have granted to glyphosate.

And the answer? What connection between product quality ” etc. – claimed quality – and food sovereignty? And ” the consideration of the peasants », let’s talk regarding it in these times of crisis where, for example, organic milk might be paid for at a lower price than conventional.

Mr. Pierrick De Ronne continues:

« I can turn the question around: where is food sovereignty today? People still do not have enough to eat in France. The volume, the runoff worked for a few decades, during the glorious thirties, but for a very short time. We need to be more specific regarding this. [que] we produce and where our products go. »

others it does not follow ! And it’s not over :

« To say that producing organic food will promote famine in Africa makes no sense. It’s inaudible. Let us instead revalue sorghum and millet in these countries, and relocate our own sectors. HAS Biocoopwe relocated mustard, the seeds of which came mainly from Canada, quinoa, sweet corn and around forty other sectors. »

Beautiful straw man that this reference to Africa… And the ” [r]value – provided you take it seriously – smacks of colonialism.

Organic would therefore be a solution. Nevertheless…

« On average, all the specialized stores deplore 220 closures, for 110 openings. »

Large-scale distribution would have enabled organic to get out of a niche market, but ” withered trust in the label “. And there is ” bio » et « bio »…

« I think we are increasingly distinguishing the organic, discount, industrial and the organic, demanding, fair. The latter is a real social project. »

Where is the organic producer in there? ” [L]and was […] a real social project »? Undoubtedly with magic money, like the reduction of VAT on products ” green – Mr. Pierrick De Bonne did not dare to say “ bio – which would constitute an indirect subsidy in favor of wealthy consumers.

Although there is still a lot to be said, let’s get to the conclusion:

« Inflation is expected to continue in 2023, notably due to the energy crisis. Is organic threatened in the medium term?

I would like to know. I am convinced that the consumer will not be mistaken. All these non-organic labels that are emerging will disappear. And it will start once more in 2024, or in three, four years. Because organic is in the sense of history. We are going to have to reduce pesticides, or even eliminate them, that is obvious. By fair means or foul. »

And there you have it… another answer that takes the tangent… And these nasty labels which would overshadow organic… These nasty pesticides which make it possible to pretend that organic is in the sense of history when , on a certain number of points of its specifications, its history stopped at the first half of the XXe century…

Organic producers have something to worry regarding.

After written

On the labels, in particular HVE, we lira or will listen with interest to Mrs. Emmanuelle Ducros.



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