For the first time, the secret that has been hidden for years was revealed.. This is the very dangerous reason that angered businessman Abu Hashima and made him divorce his wife, Haifa Wehbe!

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New information and secrets unfold despite the fact that many years have passed since their separation, there are still many questions that came to the mind of the Arab public following the presentation of the episode of the Egyptian artist Tamer Hejres,

With his fellow media citizen, Enas Al-Deghaidi, on the Sheikh Al-Hara and Al-Jari’a program on Al-Qahera Wal-Nas TV.

The character called “Sheikh Al-Hara” confirmed that Tamer Hejres has been chasing a Lebanese artist for many months, because of his great admiration for her and his desire to have a romantic relationship with her.

Sheikh Al-Hara added during the television interview that took place at the end of last May, that the artist’s love and affection for Haifa Wehbe prompted him to search for any representative role that he brings with her, until he got that role and acted with her in 2009.

Referring to Tamer’s artistic history, he appeared with the Lebanese singer “Haifa Wehbe” in the video clip “Inta Tani”, which achieved great success.

During the period the duo dealt together, Haifa was married to the Egyptian businessman “Ahmed Abu Hashima”, which opened the door to suspicion that they were in a love affair and that betrayal was the reason for her divorce from Abu Hashima.

After circulating news of the Lebanese actress Haifa Wehbe’s betrayal of her husband, Egyptian businessman Ahmed Abu Hashima, through the press and social networking sites, they officially separated in 2012, following they entered into disputes that lasted for more than two years.

The news circulating regarding Wehbe’s betrayal of her husband was accompanied by a scandalous image of Haifa and Tamer Hejres, and widespread criticism from the audience of social media platforms.

The news spoke of the strong relationship and mutual trust for nearly six years between the spouses Abu Hashima and Haifa Wehbe before Maher Hejres entered the latter’s life.

The Lebanese singer Haifa Wehbe had filmed at the end of 2009, her songs “Inta Tani” in a video clip, and she appeared in her clip as a Romanian warrior who is skilled in martial arts and is linked to a love story with her strong fighter coach “Andrew”, whose role was embodied by the artist Tamer Hejres.

The clip was filmed for several months, in the Basri runway area, south of Damascus, and Haifa Wehbe at the time, according to Abu Hashima.

Haifa trained for a long time on some difficult movements at the hands of the famous battle coach Andrew (Tamer Hejres), who participated in the films Troy and Ibrahim Al-Abyad.

The clip was inspired by an international movie and cost more than a million and a half Egyptian pounds approximately, thus obtaining the highest cost for a song in 2009, the song “Inta Tani” written by Amir Taima and composed by Ramy Gamal.

Haifa Wehbe’s song clip “Anta Tani” also cost Haifa Wehbe to pay a high price from her private life, which is represented by her entering into disputes with her husband, Ahmed Abu Hashima, which ended with his divorce to her.



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