For the first time since 2019: Celebrities celebrated with the honorees at the Styrian gala night of sports

The world belongs to the courageous and the Styrian athletes of the year have repeatedly demonstrated a great deal of fearlessness. Whether on a mountain bike on breakneck descents like Andreas Kolb or in the ring, where Rebecca Hödl defies her opponents. Anna Kiesenhofer was rewarded with gold in Tokyo for her courageous start, and Vinzenz Höck was fearless even as a child when leaving the apparatus. But Kolb had to overcome his greatest fear that evening: “For me, speaking in front of many people is always a topic where I sweat a bit.”

The gala was moderated by Kathrin Ficzko, who also invited Vice Chancellor and Sports Minister Werner Kogler to the stage. For the Hartberger, the gala was like a home visit and he honored the two athletes of the year on the stage in the List Hall. Christopher Drexler made the honors for the men. “I would have to muster up all the courage if I were to race down the Schloßberg in Graz – like the roller lugers at the Sport Austria Finals,” says the governor. For the second time this year, the provincial capital hosted the multi-sports festival and the Styrian Michael Scheikl won gold on the toboggan. The Kindberger received the special prize of the state sports organization. Its chairwoman, Regional Councilor Juliane Bogner-Strauß, hosted the gala for the first time: “For me, being brave and courageous is simply part of life. Every change takes courage because you have to leave familiar patterns of thought and structures.”

Many years ago, the three Styrian umbrella organizations under Christian Purrer (ASVÖ), Gerhard Widmann (ASKÖ) and Stefan Herker (the head of the Union had to cancel his visit) created new structures with the Styrian state of movement. “It takes the greatest courage to leave the beaten path,” says Purrer, “there is often fear because you don’t know what’s going to happen. But if you have the courage to exercise more, you don’t have to be afraid – you can only win.” City councilor Kurt Hohensinner has exactly that in mind, “if I hopefully run the whole Graz marathon during this period and keep a promise like that “.

Exhibition board member and tennis boss Barbara Muhr gets nervous when snakes hiss. The fear of reptiles – ophidiophobia – demands her courage again and again. She shared the table in the evening with Kiesenhofer, head of cycling Gerald Pototschnig, honorary award winner Klaus Kabasser and handball team manager Ales Pajovic. The Slovenian is an equal “opponent” when it comes to shaking hands with handball legend Didi Peißl. Even the West Styrian giant is not free from fear: “I’ve always wanted to skydive. But I just haven’t dared to do it yet.”

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Military commander Heinz Zöllner can tell a few stories about jumping out of the plane. “During our training we had to prove our courage in jumping. But you always need courage when you dare something new.” The brigadier exchanged ideas with army athlete and biathlete David Komatz and combined athlete Harald Lemmerer, who is also a police athlete. Not only the two Nordic are already looking forward to the coming season. Ski aces Conny Hütter and Nici Schmidhofer, who received the award for Sportswoman of the Year themselves, do the same. However, they cannot hold a candle to their President when it comes to discus throwers. Renate Götschl won the coveted trophy in 1997, 2000, 2002, 2005 and 2007.

Kleine sports director Michael Schuen repeatedly demonstrated his courage when he ventured onto the icy world cup slopes in the course of research. For editor-in-chief Hubert Patterer, courage is one of the core virtues of journalism, “without which one cannot practice one’s profession. In terms of sport, I have to overcome all activities that work against gravity, such as climbing or high jumping,” he says with a laugh.

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