For the first time in Vilnius – Berlin Cathedral Choir: will hold three free performances | Culture

On August 27, the performance of the Berlin Cathedral Choir at Vilnius St. Casimir’s Church is part of the cycle of the “Hours of Sacred Music” festival. On August 28, the group will perform European and Jewish heritage songs at the Samuel Bak Museum and CVI Park, Petro Cvirka Square.

The Berlin Cathedral’s choir dates back to 1465. No matter where this collective performs, it always receives the warmest sympathies of the audience and professionals. The calling card of the collective is a diverse, carefully selected repertoire, impressive artistic quality and charisma of the performances.

Photo by Johannes Jost/Kai Uwe Jirka, director of the Berlin Cathedral Choir

The choir first gained international recognition in the 19th century, when Felix Mendelssohn Bartoldy, Ott Nicolai and August Neithardt led the choir. Today, impressive performances are organized by prof. When Uwe Jirka.

The leader of the choir is convinced that singing in the choir shapes personalities. “Each of us is unique, it’s natural that choristers merge not only different voices, but also different opinions and ideas into the group. However, we are determined to find a mutual sound that reaches out and touches our listeners. It may sound somewhat mystical, but it’s the truth.” before the concert in Vilnius, the leader of the choir spoke, adding that no one has shown the world the power of a common song better than Lithuania in the struggle for independence.

For the concert St. In Casimir’s Church, the choir that came from Berlin chose magnificent opus that flew far beyond the boundaries of everyday life. The program will include works by JS Bach, F. Mendelssohn, L. Lewandowski.

“It’s amazing to watch the boys in the choir enthusiastically communicate with the old composers, said the choir leader prof. When Uwe Jirka. – However, we also work with the works of contemporary composers, we are happy to present them to our listeners. It seems to me that nowadays it is very important to be a modern choir and not a museum of sounds.”

Photo by Johannes Jost/Berlin Cathedral Choir

Photo by Johannes Jost/Berlin Cathedral Choir

The Jubilee Kristupas Summer Festival is held until September 18 in St. Kazimierz Church. Performances of the Berlin Cathedral Choir – on August 27, 28 in Vilnius St. Kazimierz Church, Samuel Bak Museum and CVI Park.

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2024-08-26 21:46:14



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