For the first time, breast cancer recognized as an occupational disease

Circadian rhythm

For its part, the National Research and Safety Institute for the Prevention of Workplace Accidents and Occupational Diseases (INRS) has also reviewed epidemiological studies and meta-analyses to draw up an inventory on the subject, published in March 2019. Conclusion: “exposure to shift and/or night work is associated with a statistically significant increase in the risk of breast cancer”.

Among the causes often mentioned to explain this link are disturbances of the circadian rhythm linked to night work: exposed to artificial light at night, the body becomes disrupted and weakened, which opens the way to sleep disorders and mood, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, or “the appearance of other cancers such as those of the prostate”.

Note: For the CFDT-Mines, the union that helped the former nurse in her efforts, this court decision must set a precedent and pave the way for the inclusion of breast cancer in the register of occupational diseases.

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