for Sottocorona there is no escape –

He had anticipated it and now there is confirmation. The new week does not bring with it good weather. Live from the Omnibus studio, La7’s in-depth journalistic programme, Paolo Sottocorona released the latest weather forecast and clarified that no, the time has come to put away the umbrella. “New worsening in the North, with precipitation. Still some clouds in the South, but less rain”: this is the formula used to break the delay. Rainfall was recorded today “substantially in the North”. What does it mean? “The phase of bad weather will gradually extend to the Center and reach the South within the next three days”, explained the expert.

It makes everything worse: Sottocorona's warning about bad weather, where and when

“There will already be an improvement in the North on Wednesday. There will also be heavy rain in the North. Weak in the Center and almost nothing in the South”, he reiterated. Then, on Tuesday 23 April, the bad weather “began to ease”. “There is also some rain in the South”, she specified. Change of pace on Wednesday, when in the North there will be “a decided improvement in the North” and the bad weather will move to the Center and the South, “especially on the Tyrrhenian side”. “Have we gotten used to the low temperatures?”, asked Sottocorona, addressing the viewers, to then confirm that the minimum temperatures are and will continue to be.

#Sottocorona #escape #Tempo
2024-04-24 23:37:34

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