For second-year students.. Nursing College Coordination Indicators 2024

Science students are awaiting the indicators. Nursing College Coordination 2024 Second Phase coincides with the launch of the electronic coordination website for registering preferences in the first phase.

Nursing College Coordination 2024 Second Phase

The “Al-Usbu” website outlines the anticipated indicators for the coordination of the College of Nursing in 2024, second phase, which is a popular alternative for students who score lower than the cutoffs for the Colleges of Medicine, Pharmacy, and Physical Therapy.

Nursing College Coordination 2024 Second Phase

Duration of Study in the College of Nursing 2024

The duration of study in the College of Nursing is five years, with the fifth year designated as the internship year. During this year, students are trained to provide medical services in university-affiliated hospitals, ensuring they are qualified for practice post-graduation.

Nursing College Departments

The College of Nursing comprises several departments, typically nine, which may vary by university. These include: “Children’s Nursing, Geriatric Nursing, Internal and Surgical Nursing, Critical Care and Emergency Nursing, Nursing Education, Community Health Nursing, Nursing Administration, Psychiatric Nursing, and Mental Health.”

Universities Coordination 2024-2025Nursing College Coordination 2024 Second Phase

Admission Requirements for the College of Nursing 2024

Nursing colleges have established several conditions that applicants must meet for both the first and second phases, which include the following:

_ Applicants must hold a high school diploma.

_ Applicants must be from the science department.

_ Applicants must achieve a score of 75% or higher in the English language subject.

_ Applicants must meet or exceed the minimum total score required for admission to the college according to this year’s coordination.

_ Applicants must successfully pass the medical examination at the college.

_ Applicants are not permitted to marry before or during their study period, allowing them to focus entirely on their education.

Nursing College Coordination Indicators 2024

The coordination indicators for the College of Nursing 2024, as announced by the universities in 2023, are as follows:

_ The Faculty of Nursing at Cairo University accepts students with a score of 311 points, reflecting a percentage of (75.85%).

_ The Faculty of Nursing at Helwan University accepts students with a score of 300, equating to (73.17%).

_ Ain Shams University Faculty of Nursing accepts students with a score of 307, which corresponds to (74.87%).

_ The Faculty of Nursing at Port Said University accepts students with 351 points, at a percentage of (85.60%).

_ The Faculty of Nursing at Damietta University accepts students with a score of 340, at a rate of (82.92%).

_ The Faculty of Nursing at Alexandria University accepts students with a score of 306, at a rate of (74.63%).

_ The Faculty of Nursing at Mansoura University accepts students with a score of 347 points, reflecting a percentage of (84.63%).

Nursing College Coordination Indicators Nursing College Coordination Indicators

_ The Faculty of Nursing at Tanta University accepts students with a score of 344, equating to (83.90%).

_ The Faculty of Nursing at Benha University accepts students with a total score of 323, at a rate of (78.78%).

_ The Faculty of Nursing at Fayoum University accepts students with a score of 296, representing (65.60%).

_ The Faculty of Nursing at Zagazig University admits students with a score of 337, at a percentage of (82.19%).

_ The Faculty of Nursing at Beni Suef University admits students with a score of 301 points, at (73.41%).

_ The Faculty of Nursing at Damanhour University accepts students with a total score of 334 points, representing (81.46%).

_ The Faculty of Nursing at Menoufia University in Shebin El-Kom accepts students with a score of 332, at a rate of (80.97%).

_ The Faculty of Nursing at Assiut University admits students with a total of 321 points, representing (78.29%).

_ The Faculty of Nursing at Minya University accepts students with a score of 313, at a rate of (76.34%).

_ The Faculty of Nursing at Kafr El-Sheikh University accepts students with a score of 322, at a percentage of (78.63%).

_ The Faculty of Nursing at Sohag University accepts students with a total of 317 points, at a percentage of (77.31%).

_ The Faculty of Nursing at South Valley University accepts students with a score of 312 points, representing (76.09%).

Nursing College Coordination 2024Nursing College Coordination 2024

_ The Faculty of Nursing at Matrouh University accepts students with a score of 306, corresponding to (74.63%).

_ The Faculty of Nursing at Suez Canal University in Ismailia accepts students with a score of 307, equating to (74.87%).

_ The Faculty of Nursing at Aswan University accepts students with a total of 284 points, at a rate of (69.26%).

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Nursing College Coordination 2024

Nursing College Coordination 2024.. Minimum Requirements and Conditions

Nursing College Coordination 2024 Second Phase: Key Indicators and Insights

Science students across the country are eagerly awaiting the indicators for the Nursing College Coordination 2024 second phase. As the electronic coordination website prepares to open for registration, many students seek guidance on the alternatives available to them. Nursing College Coordination 2024 Second Phase is a promising option for those who might fall below the minimum score for the Colleges of Medicine, Pharmacy, and Physical Therapy.

Nursing College Coordination 2024 Second Phase Overview

The Nursing College is often sought after by students with a science background, especially those who do not meet the competitive scores for other medical disciplines. The second phase of coordination offers hope and opportunity for many aspiring healthcare professionals.

Nursing College Coordination 2024 Second Phase

Duration of Study in the College of Nursing 2024

The program at the College of Nursing spans a total of 5 years. The final year is dedicated to an internship, where students receive hands-on training in hospitals affiliated with their respective universities. This practical experience is crucial for students to gain the competencies necessary to excel in the nursing profession upon graduation.

Departments within the Nursing College

The Nursing College comprises multiple specialized departments, typically totaling around 9, depending on the university. These departments may include:

  • Children’s Nursing
  • Geriatric Nursing
  • Internal and Surgical Nursing
  • Critical Care and Emergency Nursing
  • Nursing Education
  • Community Health Nursing
  • Nursing Administration
  • Psychiatric Nursing
  • Mental Health Nursing

Universities Coordination 2024-2025

Admission Requirements for the College of Nursing 2024

To gain admission into the College of Nursing, students must meet specific eligibility criteria:

  • Possession of a high school diploma.
  • Completion of the science department.
  • A minimum score of 75% in the English language subject.
  • Total score meeting or exceeding the college’s minimum admission requirement.
  • Successful completion of a medical examination set by the college.
  • Applicants must not marry before or during their studies, dedicating themselves fully to academic pursuits.

Nursing College Coordination Indicators 2024

The following are the coordination indicators for various Nursing Colleges for the year 2024 as announced in 2023:

University Score Required Percentage
Cairo University 311 75.85%
Helwan University 300 73.17%
Ain Shams University 307 74.87%
Port Said University 351 85.60%
Damietta University 340 82.92%
Alexandria University 306 74.63%
Mansoura University 347 84.63%
Tanta University 344 83.90%
Benha University 323 78.78%
Fayoum University 296 65.60%
Zagazig University 337 82.19%
Beni Suef University 301 73.41%
Damanhour University 334 81.46%
Menoufia University 332 80.97%
Assiut University 321 78.29%
Minya University 313 76.34%
Kafr El-Sheikh University 322 78.63%
Sohag University 317 77.31%
South Valley University 312 76.09%
Matrouh University 306 74.63%
Suez Canal University 307 74.87%
Aswan University 284 69.26%

For further details, you can explore links to resources on Minya Private University’s expenses and coordination and more information on Nursing College Coordination 2024.



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