For patients with heart and blood vessels.. 5 tips during Ramadan

People who suffer from cardiovascular diseases can fast during the month of Ramadan, but only with the approval of their doctors, according to health experts, who talked regarding the need to follow some recommendations to avoid life-threatening risks.

Wrong eating habits during Ramadan may lead to complications that increase the burden on the heart, especially for patients with cardiovascular disease who take medication to control the disease.

The first and basic condition, according to a specialist in cardiovascular surgery at Taksim Hospital in Istanbul, Majid Petrgil, is to obtain the doctor’s approval, before embarking on fasting, otherwise there might be risks to the life of the fasting person.

Petrgel said in an interview with the newspaper:Daily morningAl-Turkiyah indicated that there are 5 basic points that patients with cardiovascular diseases must adhere to, in order to avoid any problems during the month of fasting.

The first point is regarding drinking water in large quantities, from two to two and a half liters of water, at regular intervals, especially between Iftar and Suhoor.

Secondly, Petergel stresses the need to avoid salty and spicy foods, red meat, acidic and sugary drinks that cause thirst, and replace them with a diet rich in vegetables, fish, boiled and grilled foods instead of fried ones. He also recommends the importance of avoiding pastries and sweets.

Third, the specialist recommends adherence to medication appointments, especially for those who need to use anticoagulants, because stopping them may lead to a risk of stroke and death.

The fourth point is related to the practice of physical activity and the importance of regulating it, because it can lead to adverse results in the event that there is a lack of drinking fluids, and thus increase the load on the heart, fainting and heart attacks.

Therefore, the doctor advises those who want to exercise, to walk for 30 to 40 minutes, two to three hours following breakfast, provided that they are not exposed to too much stress, and if the doctor agrees to that.

Finally, Petergel stresses the importance of getting enough sleep during the month of Ramadan, otherwise it can cause irritability, anger attacks, headaches and tension, and thus may lead directly or indirectly to an increase in the burden on the heart.

In this regard, the specialist recommends getting at least four hours of continuous sleep at night following breakfast and before suhoor, sleeping for a few more hours following suhoor, and taking a small 20-minute nap during the day.



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