For lack of a doctor, one of the main clinics in the city will close its emergency room at night

The Saint-Pierre clinic in Perpignan will no longer be able to provide emergencies at night (from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m.), from April 11. Only patients referred by 15 will be taken care of. On the other hand, people who come spontaneously will no longer be treated in the establishment. The shortage of doctors is behind this decision.

“A temporary obligation” according to the management of the establishment, which belongs to the Elsan group. But according to the unions, the situation is likely to persist over time. “We don’t believe it at all. When we see the evolution of emergency services in France for a few years, we are pessimistic, “says Brice Dubrey, nurse and CFTC staff representative, at France Blue Roussillon.

Meanwhile, the agglomeration of Perpignan continues its demographic growth. 270,000 people live there, including more than 120,000 in the prefecture of Pyrénées-Orientales. The closure of the Saint-Pierre clinic emergency room could accelerate tensions within the Perpignan University Hospital, forced to absorb this flow of patients.

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