For iron health.. 6 types of proteins should be eaten weekly

Protein is known as the ultimate macronutrient for muscle repair, immune support, healthy weight management, and more. The inclusion of protein in the diet daily is very important to support general health, as it is recommended that the individual consume about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, although this amount can vary according to the individual, that is, a person who weighs approximately 70 kg needs To about 55 grams of protein per day, according to what was published by the website EatingWell.

Regardless of whether a person consumes animal or plant products, they can choose from a variety of protein sources that can be included in an overall balanced and healthy diet to help meet basic protein needs, as follows:

1- pistachio

Pistachios, a light nut, are a great source of protein, containing 6g per 30g serving, and provide all 9 essential amino acids. Also, about 90% of the fat in pistachios is unsaturated, and it contains more fiber than broccoli. It is also a good source of vitamin B6, phosphorous, thiamine and copper, as well as antioxidants.

2- Eggs

Eggs contain protein, choline, iodine and vitamin D. One large egg contains 6 grams of protein. But eggs are very versatile and can be added to delicious recipes like spinach and peas or spinach and mushroom casserole. Eggs contain high quality protein with all the essential amino acids. Almost half of an egg’s protein is found in the yolk.

3- Lentils

Lentils are a nutritionally powerful legume when it comes to their health benefits, as they are rich in important nutrients, such as fiber, protein, folic acid, potassium and iron. Each half cup of lentils contains 9 grams of protein. Lentils and other legumes make an ideal complement to breakfast cereals, as together they provide a complete profile of essential amino acids. Because of their high nutrient density, other legumes contain similar benefits to lentils such as chickpeas and black beans.

4- Chicken

Both dark and white meat chicken contain vitamin B12 and choline, which together can promote brain development, help the nervous system function properly and aid cognitive performance in the elderly. Each 90g serving contains 26g of protein.

5- Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt can contain an especially impressive amount of protein compared to other types of yogurt. According to the US Department of Agriculture, a small container of Greek yogurt, which weighs about 200 grams, contains 20 grams of protein and all nine essential amino acids.

6- The fish

Eating fish regularly is associated with a myriad of health benefits, including cardiovascular, neurocognitive and psychological diseases. Experts advise eating it at least twice a week. Fish, especially oily cold-water fish (such as salmon or tuna), is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for every organ in the body from the heart to the brain.

One 75-gram serving of salmon contains 22 grams of protein.

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