For Ecolo Luxembourg, “Houdemont risks becoming the black hole of Vivalia”

On Monday February 20, the Walloon Administration refused to grant Vivalia the single permit for the construction and operation of the future Centre-Sud CHR in Houdemont (Habay). This Friday, February 24, Vivalia’s board of directors decided to lodge an appeal before the Walloon Government once morest the decision of the technical and delegate officials of the Walloon Administration. An appeal that makes Écolo Luxembourg react through the voice of the Walloon deputy Jean-Philippe Florent in a long press release. “The vote during the Board meeting of February 24 was only a formality. Our administrator, Brigitte Pétré, of course voted once morest this appeal, which does not bother to respond to the main objections in the opinion of the delegated official. This lack of consideration towards the urban planning services of the Walloon Region which had to analyze this important file is also illustrated by the reactions of certain politicians who question the very legitimacy of the delegated civil servant without of course providing the slightest substantive element. However, the delegated official investigated the case as provided for by law, and took into account the various aspects that such a case entails. No more no less ! It’s called a rule of law says the deputy.

For the latter, Vivalia has therefore decided not to provide any response to the substantive questions raised by the competent authority. “How to accept a project that does not meet the objectives of the Territorial Development Plan in force (SDER of 1999) nor those of the SDT project (Territorial Development Plan) as adopted on May 16, 2019, in particular with regard to concerns optimal accessibility of services for all and favoring the location of services in city centers and not on the outskirts? How is it that the impact study does not allow the competent authority to be fully informed with regard to the examination of alternative locations? A fundamental aspect! Indeed, the opinion indicates that “the elements highlighted do not make it possible to identify with precision the real needs of the project in terms of footprint. The study cites different areas: 50 ha, a “minimum area of ​​20 ha, or even 15 ha for a ‘more minimalist project’”. However, the definition of the needs of a project in terms of surface area is essential to determine its most appropriate location! According to the competent authority “minimum needs might be significantly reduced in terms of surface area; that an area of ​​the order of 15 hectares seems sufficient in view of the aforementioned elements and in particular on the basis of the construction of a parking silo”. What is therefore the justification for artificializing 56 ha! ?”

Ecolo also denounces the lack of alternative mobility to the car. “How can you justify that the mobility component is exclusively focused on the car? The onlyThe response received that TECs should provide the necessary service is by no means satisfactory.” Jean-Philippe Florent still believes that “it’s the whole regional planning component that has been recalibrated and the intermunicipal company has decided to ignore it by asking the Walloon Region no more and no less to sit on its own commitments (Vision FAST, Plan Air Climat Énergie, Stop concrete, SDER, SDT…) Both in terms of surface area, budget and organization of health care in the province of Luxembourg, Houdemont threatens to become the “black hole that absorbs everything”.

Many unanswered questions

“During the CA of February 24, many questions remained unanswered: What regarding the rehabilitation care that was promised to Libramont? What regarding future polyclinics/local health centers whose definition remains unclear and the financing, beyond subsidies, uncertain? Synergies are envisaged with general medicine (via 1733), PMS, ONE or even school medicine, while, for the latter, a project is in the development phase at Arlon… by the provincial majority. Understand who can. What coherence for the vision of territory ? There remains the thorny question of the budget and the additional costs resulting in the downward revision of the number of Houdemont beds, the contours of which will be decided on April 12. All these elements should have prompted the Board to review the outlines of Vivalia 2025 rather than file a headlong appeal”.



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