For a true return to normal

TRIBUNE — The vaccination pass “might be removed well before July”, according to Olivier Véran. At least that’s what he said on BFM TV last Wednesday. This formula is reminiscent of the refrain we have heard for two years at the end of each wave: “The hardest part is behind us, we will soon be back to normal”. Alas, how can we believe a government whose ministers have only lied to us, betrayed us, maintained the hope of a return to normal before immediately going back on their word? Let’s not be naive, the only certainty we have is that the outright abolition of the vaccination pass is not on the agenda today. How long are we going to tolerate it?

While the United Kingdom lifted the last restrictions linked to Covid-19 on January 27, and Spain intends to downgrade it to the status of an endemic disease with which one must learn to live, France, on the contrary, n did not hesitate to impose the vaccination pass. Since January 24, this discriminatory passport has come into force in metropolitan France with the blessing of the Constitutional Council. By validating the implementation of disproportionate measures in view of the reality of the epidemic, the sages have definitively discredited their prestigious function. They know, however, that the health reason is only a pretext. Similarly, by declaring that it wants to extend the validation period for the recovery certificate from six to four months from February 15, the government does not meet any scientific requirement. By what mysterious process do our immune defenses suddenly lose their beneficial properties from the age of four months? There is no science here. Only a desire to“fuck the unvaccinated”, to push the populations to be injected with the treatments purchased in industrial quantities from the pharmaceutical laboratories which, in any case, will not be accountable in the event of side effects in five or ten years. Now the term“sanitary apartheid” considered excessive a few months ago, takes on its full meaning. Our rulers wish to divide our society into two distinct castes of citizens: those who, willy-nilly, agree to enter into the logic of the vaccination pass. And those who, vaccinated or not, have the possibility of refusing its use. These are used as scapegoats to cover up errors and serve the ambitions of our leaders.

Unfortunately, the health pass will only be the beginning if we do not oppose government measures. Indeed, nothing tells us that the state of health emergency will not be extended beyond July 31, 2022, despite the fine words of Olivier Véran. Nothing assures us either that it will not be declined in a thousand different ways. Many commentators have warned us since the beginning of this crisis. The idea of ​​an ecological pass that made people smile yesterday is now coming to an end: in Canada, several progressive thinkers like Francis Vailles or François Delorme thus question the idea of ​​a “carbon passport”. In France, the sociologist Alain Caillé offers a kWh pass with a quota of kWh or CO2, in Marianne. The proposal was also recently taken up by Young People with Macron. Finally, the QR code, which is spreading faster than the epidemic in all aspects of our lives, will appear on voters’ cards with a registration number and access to “explanatory content” dubious put in place by the Ministry of the Interior. Under these conditions, how can we speak of a “return to normal”?

There will only be a return to normal when freedoms have been regained and all the measures taken in the name of the pandemic abolished, starting with the vaccination pass. We have to send it back to where it belongs: in the dustbins of history.

Jean-Frédéric Poisson is president of Via – the way of the people.

See as well :
Vaccination pass, natural immunity, McKinsey: Olivier Véran plays by his own rules
The fight once morest the health past is anchored in a civilizational fight



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