“For a long time, we looked at dyslexics as people in difficulty” (Guillemette Faure, author of a book on Dys)

(ETX Daily Up) – What do Leonardo da Vinci, Steven Spielberg and Franck Gastambide have in common? All three suffer from dyslexia. This language disorder, known to affect spelling and reading, finds credence in the world of work. The Anglo-Saxons speak of “gift of dyslexia”, the gift of dyslexia. However, dyslexics have long been considered people in difficulty. So how did dyslexia come to the fore? Interview with Guillemette Faure, author of the book “Dys and famous, How dyslexia can make you stronger”, published by Casterman.

Can you succeed in your professional life despite dyslexia? This language disorder belonging to the DYS family, along with dysorthographia and dysgraphia, is characterized by confusion and inversions of sounds, letters or by numerous spelling errors.

Herself the mother of a dyslexic daughter, the journalist Guillemette Faure publishes “Dys and famous, How dyslexia can make you stronger”, published by Casterman. An album of 24 portraits of personalities who have suffered from language disorders. Comedians, politicians and Nobel laureates in chemistry rub shoulders there. Maintenance.

What weaknesses causes dyslexia?

The word dyslexia is used to refer to difficulties related to reading or writing. This disorder should not be reduced to an inversion of letters, reading and spelling problems. It’s more complicated. There are nuances. For example, the actor Stéphane De Groodt cannot explain a cooking recipe. He has trouble understanding the rules of a card game.

Some have memory problems, for others it is a strength. For example, Erin Brockovich, who inspired the movie of the same name, can memorize the numbers written on a sheet following just one read.

For a long time, dyslexics were seen as people in difficulty. At school, you have to be able to read and write. Spotting visual cues, being creative or intuitive, is not quantified.

What qualities develop dyslexics in the professional world?

Their strengths arise by overcoming a difficulty. They know their strength and their weakness and know how to surround themselves with competent people. This is the case of Richard Branson, boss and entrepreneur of Virgin.
There is a fashionable speech, the English call it “the gift of dyslexia”, “the gift of dyslexia”.

According to an American study, 35% of entrepreneurs are dyslexic. Do not fantasize too much regarding this figure. Having a dyslexic child does not mean that he will be an entrepreneur, Nobel Prize winner or the new Leonardo Da Vinci.

This figure is not found among CEOs. The qualities required are not the same among entrepreneurs. The CEO profile reassures the company. These are people who have had the right diplomas, who have gone through the right schools, etc. Whereas dyslexics are people who have taken risks and are used to failing and then getting back up. As Thomas Legrand says in the preface to the book, there are difficult and painful stages.

How does a dyslexic succeed professionally?

In the 24 portraits of my book, there is either an alignment of lucky stars, or parents who were present. They encouraged him in what he can do rather than obsessing over what he can’t do.

We also note that the meeting with a referent adult plays a key role. I am thinking, for example, of Jacques Dubochet, Nobel laureate in chemistry. One of his teachers helped him build a telescope. For him, his dyslexia allows him to see things differently and therefore to discover other things.

Is there an evolution in the consideration of dyslexia among the teaching staff?

Young people see a speech therapist earlier than their elders. For the oldest, it was more difficult. For example, the actor Stéphane de Groodt repeated his fifth, his fourth and his third.

Actor Franck Gastambide says his parents were ashamed to go to meetings with his teachers. His activity as a dog and animal trainer has shown him that he knows how to do things, but in addition, he does them better than others.

In the school system, the written word plays a major role. It was not uncommon to see that some points were deducted for spelling, regardless of the subject. In the Anglo-Saxon system, there is more oral. The ability to debate and organize one’s thoughts is more developed.

Is the taboo rising around language disorders?

Those who talk regarding it, talk regarding it a lot, like Franck Gastambide. Those I contacted were happy to speak up. I am thinking of the American Erin Brockovich. Since the film “Erin Brockovich, alone once morest all”, where she is interpreted by Julia Roberts, she has refused many interviews. And there, she was happy to talk regarding it because she has little opportunity to do so.

“Dys and famous, How dyslexia can make you stronger” by Guillaumette Faure, published by Casterman



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