For 10 years, he has been compiling photos of the ugliest houses in Belgium (photos)

It’s an original collection that is currently on display at the Ruby Gallery until March 5th. A collection of photos of the ugliest houses in Belgium spotted by a Fleming, Hannes Coudenys, 39 years old. For many years, the man has been going on a “safari” in Flanders where he unearths the ugliest houses in the country. From this research, he created a brand “Ugly Belgian Houses”. Available in books, website, television programs and social networks, it is a great success: 14,300 subscribers on Twitter, 155,000 on Instagram, 117,000 “likes” on the Facebook page.

Become very famous in the north of the country, Hannes, multiplies the television appearances. And the man told the Echo newspaper that he had come across a young fan of the website during one of his last visits: “Finally! It’s you, I was sure you would come one day!”exclaimed the teenager from the home, being a big fan of the blog, obviously believing that her home had its place on it…

To see all the houses, click here.



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