Footballer stories | Cuto’s faith | ‘Goyo’ Bernales: admiration of ‘Chemo’ del Solar, debt of Raúl Ruidíaz and his beginnings with Claudio Pizarro | Story | SPORTS

Gregorio ‘Goyo’ Bernales and its footballer stories in The Faith of Cuto, my people. With the ‘Goyo’ we hesitated in the Lolo Fernandezin the Monumentalon the Seen… in University of Sports and in the peruvian national team. Even in Total Clean! He swore to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.

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Here he tells us the immense reason (not football) why Solar’s ‘Chemo’ I admired him. Of course, all in a joking and hesitant tone inside the team. He also releases the story of when Raul Ruidíaz paid him an outstanding debt and my compadre ‘Seal’ Farfán“the original”, wanted his part.

My friend ‘Goyo’, today professional soccer coach, I had always been clear. He was a soccer professional from start to finish. However, there are the anecdotes of him. Because life is like cebiche: without chili it is not life and without chili it is not cebiche.

My people, me, your friend ‘Cuto’ Guadalupe, I thank you very much for everything we are achieving with ‘La fe de Cuto’. Share the programs, these notes, from YouTube y Facebook. And don’t forget that faith is the most beautiful thing in life.

QUESTION: My little brother ‘Goyo’ Bernales, what neighborhood are you from?

ANSWER: I am from the district of Carabayllo, kilometer 18, Raúl Porras Barrenechea.

P: When you get to the ‘U’ I realized that you had it clear. You bought your first car, your Toyota, at Pandero.

A: Hahaha. That car was chosen by my old man in Toyota, no Pandero. My old man told me to choose a moderate car.

And how long did it take?

I buy the expensive one without knowing how to drive. I was learning on the way. The normal thing was 40 to 50 minutes, I left three hours before. Lucho, by the way… if this house might talk, Cuto!


You know me when I bought my mom’s house, in ’99…

Alfredo gave it to you. You have to thank him.

We have…

Yes but you more. The best president we ever had.

You have to be thankful.

That’s how it is.

Let’s get back to the car…

My car was mechanical, it burned tires, the car stopped. And the people behind didn’t understand anything, that I was learning. But that served me well.

How seasoned, Goyo, is that how you learned?

Thus, to war.

And what was the neighborhood like?

They all supported me. They knew that I wanted to be a professional footballer. Perhaps without being among the best, because in the neighborhoods there are always cracks. So I was going to try out the clubs. In the neighborhood they took care of me, I am always grateful to my friends in the neighborhood.


And how did you get in?

I went to Sipesa, they tell me that their minor divisions were in Lima. I found out when I didn’t make it to the ‘Muni’, so I entered Sipesa, a teacher Chumpitaz received us and then Ronald Pitot entered. And there comes Claudio Pizarro.

Claudia too?

Yes, it came from Cantolao. Claudio owes his life to Ronald Pitot, he arrives as 6 and Ronald puts him, because of his size and technique, makes him a center forward. We play under two years old and they promote us.

And how do they promote you?

Before there was no reservation, I was 17 years and 8 months old and they didn’t promote me. I was past my age! I was scared, worried… and one day I got tired of training in minors and they didn’t take me to the first team. I was lying on my bed, thinking and I might already see myself grabbing bricks and working on construction with my old man.

Goyo Bernales and Luis Cuto Guadalupe. Stories, accounts and anecdotes from friends in ‘La fe de Cuto’.

You had no choice…

And I thought: in minor divisions I gave everything of myself, I deprived myself of parties, I played on July 28. So my dad tells me to go train, but I tell him I’m not going anymore. My dad insists that I go. That day Pitot does a practice match, Roberto Chale, the manager of the first team sees us and puts us up to the first team.

of a…

Look, and that I didn’t want. Chale uploads me, Claudio Pizarro, Miguel Ángel Zagaceta and Giovanni Valdivieso.

I have known Claudio for a long time, since Cantolao. My respects to Claudio. In the video of the program you can see an exclusive anecdote for you, my people. ‘Loco’ Vargas and a debt delay are also involved. Through my program ‘La fe de Cuto’, Claudio is going to find out. We continue with the interview…

Claudio is very generous. He shows you that he is a great guy.

And what happened following Sipesa?

Claudio goes to Alliance, he is an Alliance member. Just that year ‘U’ and Alianza wanted me, but the club wouldn’t let me go.


Before it was like that.

They wouldn’t let you. So the following year my contract ended and I already moved to the ‘U’.

What do you think helped you?

From a young age I was always a starter and that helps you a lot. And Juan Carlos Oblitas summoned me and I made my debut once morest the Netherlands, with those monsters: Seedorf, the De Boer brothers.

Of course, ‘Cafú’ Salazar also played there…

I played a good game too and in 1999 I had proposals from the three big teams.

And why did you choose the ‘U’?

I wanted to play in the ‘U’, I felt identified, I was a fan. Even though you saw the team and there was ‘Puma’ Carranza, ‘fat’ Ciurlizza… people told me that I wasn’t going to have space. But I decide on the ‘U’.


I received you.

Of course. I arrive and the people received me well, spectacular. And I quickly joined the group of blacks, the tribe. And in that Óscar Ibáñez intercepts me.

Óscar was perfect for the race: he arrived an hour early, went to the gym, dressed well, didn’t even drink water. But he was also devoted to the virgin fist.

And he asks me: “Do you snore?”. She told him no. “Yeah, you’re going to sleep with me.” And she didn’t make any noise, she took the opportunity to go up earlier to watch TV before going to sleep. And she came and threw the control.

And you got to work with him, right?

Of course, in the last stage of the ‘U’ he directed and I was with him and Juan Pajuelo. And Paolo Maldonado.

Which Paul? Warrior?

No, our friend Paolo Maldonado.

And apart from Juan Carlos, with which other national team coaches were you?

Paulo Cesar Autuori, Julio Cesar Uribe.


And why does ‘Chemo’ del Solar admire you?

Hahaha… it’s because of our skin! The most, ‘Chemo’.

You are in the ranking: ‘Kukín’ Flores, ‘Goyo’ Bernales, ‘Puma’ Carranza too…

‘Chemo’ arrives and sits next to me. He pulls me and Eddie Linares yells “Uuuuyy, provideechooo.”

‘Chemo’ bowed to you!

He loved me, my cause.

Goyo, and in 2002, what we know happened, they took seven of us out of the ‘U’… that year I went to the Total Clean, it seemed that I had returned to Corongo City, I was in the lodging and there was the ‘Goyo ‘…

I was two dates, things happened that were not right. There were no fields to train.

And what did you do?

I went to the ‘U’, I got advice from the Association and they told me to go train. I trained with the juniors.


And what happened there, what acquaintance was there?

Ruidíaz. Very well. One day we made a bet on soccer-tennis. If I beat him, all the boys invited me and cebiche. If he beat me, I would treat all the boys to cebiche. And I won.

And what happened?

Years passed and one day, when he went to the ‘U’ I told him “hey, you owe me a cebiche”. Ruidíaz remembered and we went for the cebiche, through La Molina. I took the ‘Foca’ Farfán…

My compadre, the ‘Foca’!

He even ordered to go! It’s ready…

That’s how it is…

When we were going to say goodbye, the ‘Flea’ gave me a candle. And the ‘Seal’ did not take off! He saw that he gave me a candle and the ‘Seal’ looked at me. And the ‘Seal’ lit a cigarette and was smoking, muttering.

And what happened?

I gave him his various George Washingtons and that’s it, all right with ‘Seal’. At the time I called him and everything was fine, he was in ‘the devil’s curve’ doing the Chinese box for him.




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