Footballer stories | Cuto Guadalupe writes: The last goodbye to my dad ‘Mingo’ was not a dream | Youtube | Story | SPORTS

My people! Here, Luis ‘Cuto’ Guadalupe. Many people call me, write to me and sympathize with me for what I wrote, the story of my father Domingo Guadalupe Montalvan and the truncated relationship with his son, with me.

READ MORE: Cuto writes: Memories of my dad Domingo and a dream that never came true

What can I say? It is appreciated. I write sincerely. I relate this little public passage of my life as a way to free my thoughts, my fears. Release what I carry inside of me. Yeah, it’s not one soccer player story usuala dressing room anecdote, but I am more than that.

However, the story was not over. I had stayed with the rumors of my neighborhood Corongo and at home, what my dad had left with another woman. He was a child, he could not understand the subject in the real dimension of it.

Well life went on and Guadeloupe Riverside We continue to grow despite economic limitations, but always in a humble home with lots of love.

While my hopes of seeing my father again faded, I started to take my first steps in football. My uncle ‘Pocho’, from ‘I Quality‘, he took me to play for that team to do my first steps with the ball.


Thus time passed. Until, I don’t know if it’s a good day or a bad day, an aunt came home with the bad news that ended up ending my hopes of seeing my old man again.

“Mingo has died, Mingo has passed away and they are watching him in Comas, in the house of his other wife”. Those were more or less his words.

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Hearing those words was very hard for me. I was 10 years old and every syllable was like a whiplash. At home, family and friends, despite his sudden absence in the last five years, that news plunged us into great sadness.

Everyday happiness dried up in a second. The crying and pain overwhelmed us all. No one hesitated to go in search of his corpse to give him the last goodbye.

For that my family contacted my uncle who worked in the Navy, to help us get some buses and be able to go to Comas. The management gave results and they managed to get two buses in which we all went, family and friends, for the wake.


Despite his absence in the last five years in our house, the affection and love towards my father had not changed. At home my mother Prince never spoke ill of him. Never. She had plenty of reasons to do it, but she never had rancor in her heart.

His soul is so generous, there is no room to hate. It’s more, my mom is so angelic that she never got angry or anything negative when she found out that my dad had other children when they were already a couple. She knew how to handle the situation wisely.

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That’s right, I have three more brothers apart from the seven that we have from father and mother. It’s more, she herself was in charge of taking home my dear brothersat the time, to meet us.

It was in that way that I met my sister Charo, mother of Jefferson Farfan, and my brothers Walter and Gladys. With this I graph how good my mother Prince is. A love of people. An example to follow.

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Back to the topic. That day, when we found out about the death of my dad ‘Mingo’, all the family and friends dressed in black, or the closest thing to that color, we got on the bus and went in search of the coffin.

As I had already told you, I had always dreamed it differently. Nevertheless, that would be the last meeting with my dad.

Already at home, at the wake, the place that had been his last resting place for the last five years of his life, we saw the lady who was his new partner. My mother is a ‘lady’ and never caused any problems as often happens in these types of situations.


Since we entered the house, and took a seat, I was waiting to approach the drawer and say goodbye to him. I, in silence, had longed to see him again in my house for five years, which every child wishes. Play and share with him like my friends did with his parents.

That hope was gone forever. That story is over, period.

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The walk from the bench to his coffin was eternal. When I got to him and saw him in the drawer I couldn’t recognize him. It was him, my dad ‘Mingo’, but my eyes and my memory did not recognize it. Life and illness had hit my father so hard that I had enjoyed it until I was five years old.


Last Saturday night, in the grand final of Peru has talentTerco 92, in his masterful presentation, told a topic that identified me.

The truth is that I broke down, I had to contain myself. I don’t know if it was seen on TV, I never see the videos in which I appear. In part of the lyrics the rapper says:

“It is not enough not even to ask for your forgiveness, I know that as a father I owe you an explanation, give me the opportunity for a single conversation, that only God is a witness of what I feel, he knows how true my repentance is, sorry for having missed you so long…”.

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Those words reached the depths of my heart. It was inevitable to relate it to what I tell about my dad.

I’m not here to judge my father, but I would have loved to have had one last conversation with him. ‘Mingo’, one day we will meet again and we will be able to speak, again, from father to son, from son to father. hug you dad.

PS. Many thanks to Peru Has Talent and to Latina for allowing me to be part of the jury of a spectacular program. Soccer allowed me to get to know many places in our country and the world, and the Peru Has Talent program made me discover the different facets and talents of my Peruvian brothers. Eternally grateful to everyone. faith is the most beautiful thing in life.


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