Football: At Tourbillon, Einstein did not find the right formula for Sion

A half-time of desolation, another of reaction: at Tourbillon, we enjoy cultivating extremes. Beaten by YB (1-2), the Valaisans are on the wrong target by accusing the referee. Tramezzani also has its share of responsibilities.

In the midst of his elements, Albert Einstein invited himself to Tourbillon on the magnificent tifo of the north terrace.


At the final whistle of an appointment which had been one of frustration (2-1 defeat), the players of FC Sion, all its staff and the Valais fans all had some solid reasons to blame Mr. Luca Piccolo, accused of having granted YB a penalty which had escaped him (perhaps because not so obvious as that).

Tourbillon had just experienced a scene already experienced a few weeks earlier when Dimitri Cavaré, already him, had been involved in the equalizing penalty from FC Zurich (97th, 1-1). Two badly negotiated ends of the match, two excessive interventions by the Guadeloupe defender for three points that flew away after stoppage time. Three points with heavy consequences, because they were sorely lacking today…

Find the summary of the match by clicking here.

To take the bet of the game is first of all to dare

In Valais, however, everyone would be wrong to focus on the poor performance of the Ticino referee alone to explain a defeat which, combined with the convincing success of FC Lucerne against Lausanne (3-0), made FC Sion once again a candidate instead of the barrage which the Swissporarena club still thinks it can get rid of. Rather than firing red bullets at the game director, there would also be reason to wonder about Tramezzani’s tactical choices and the way the coach has his pawns.

Because if Mr. Piccolo has his share of responsibilities, what about those of Paolo Tramezzani? How can we approach a match without a nominal attacker and such a cautious option? Betting on gambling means first of all daring to take risks, trying something, asserting a gambling identity as much as a desire and a state of mind. But at Tourbillon, it is too often limited to the circle of footballers gathered around their coach before the three shots. A professional circle from which nothing comes out in terms of the rage to win displayed once the commitment has been given.

Far from the Valais virtues

Where’s the fun in all of this? Deceived on the goods, the supporters do not take any. It is reasonable to imagine that people pay their place to attend a show. But when there is none, what to cling to? When you fight for your survival as is the case of Valaisans engaged on a slippery slope, you can’t just deliver half matches. Against Young Boys, Sion began to play as if by magic, as soon as he had little other choice.

Its spectators are entitled to demand something other than an ordinary madness triggered by the adversary. Very active throughout the match, the fans in the north tier made no mistake in insisting on the values ​​of commitment, motivation and combativeness – so many virtues that are usually attributed to Valaisans and opportunely recalled on the giant tifo deployed at the entrance of the actors. They even invited Albert Einstein, present in the company of several elements – Sulfur, Iodine, Oxygen, Nitrogen – for a very relative theory, remained too long without concrete results.

While the potential of the Valais region and the ingredients available would make it possible to concoct refined dishes in the kitchens of Tourbillon, now they too often serve a garrison grub.

Tramezzani dribbles the media

In front of this annoying FC Sion as much as it can seduce, we would have liked to be able to collect for that the feelings of the leader Paolo Tramezzani at the end of the match. But like a week earlier in Zurich when he skipped the press conference, the “Mister” did not consider it necessary to appear before the media. His evasion is tantamount to a lack of respect, less for the journalists than for the club and, beyond it, a whole canton. This amounts to making fun of those who live there and devote part of their weekend to its flagship club.

The mathematical reality concerning Tramezzani since his arrival at Porte d’Octodure on October 9 for a third visit is 23 matches, 25 points and a lot of boredom for an average of 1.09 points per outing. Obviously, and until proven otherwise, it’s enough to come back for another season as a top coach.

Before that, we will have to save the League. And if it went through two halves of equal value and an extra panache? We can always dream.

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