Foods you should avoid at breakfast to lead a healthy life

DFor a long time it has been heard over and over once more that “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”. And it is a half truth, since all meals are important throughout the day, none of them should be neglected, but breakfast, being the first, has to have all the necessary nutrients and not fall into the fierce hunger that we have when we wake up.

That is why you have to think twice before choosing which ingredients we put in our mouths at the start of the day. From the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), it is recommended to consume the ideal breakfast every day, or at least, giving four foods to avoid

A healthy diet reduces, and in many cases prevents, the risk of suffering cardiovascular diseases,overweight and more types of ailments. Diseases such as cancer increase the risk of suffering if we consume processed foods, full of sugar or refined oils.

Foods to avoid at breakfast

He White bread It is one of them. According to various nutritionists, we usually accompany bread with other ingredients that add more calories, artificial sugar and trans fats to our body, whose contributions to our body are not good at all.

As a good alternative you can choose pan integral, where our stomachfills up without eating too many calories” according to nutrition expert Marie Groeneveld.

ultra-processed foods: It is already known that refined flour and sugar should be avoided at all costs and breakfast is no exception. Glucose shoots up when we consume these types of items, such as those rich in sugar, industrial pastries, etc.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO, for its acronym in English), produced a nutrition report and revealed that one of the most common reasons for being overweight and obese stems from what we eat. Are those whose micronutrients are scarce, such as ultra-processed foods, sugary drinks and fast food.

fried: Fried foods are others that we should avoid at breakfast time. First, because it will give us a feeling of heaviness and tiredness that will not make us perform well throughout the day. Second, because many of these will be made from vegetable oil, whose components are harmful to our health.

If we make fried foods a habit in our diet, we will increase the risk of suffering from overweight, obesity and heart disease. Sauces and jams: the great ‘enemy’ of healthy eating. They seem harmless due to their texture and flavor, but the truth is that a meal can go from healthy to the complete opposite if we add sauces to it. Its high caloric content, Added to the sugars that some of them contain and the manufacturing process, we have already thrown overboard any indication of healthy eating.

What will be a healthy breakfast?

Given what has been seen, and if we avoid the foods mentioned above, a healthy breakfast would be to combine natural foods with those that will provide us with all the micro and macronutrients essential for our body.

He wholemeal bread, a fruit, natural yogurt, nuts, skimmed milk and good quality food will be our fundamental basis for any diet. In addition, at breakfast time, we must prioritize fiber and a good intake of calories from natural foods to have energy. Olida oil, tomato, avocado will be priority options before industrial pastries, jams or fast food.



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