Food supplements for athletes: ANSES warns of the dangers of proteins for your health

2024-10-02 15:47:15

Bodybuilding supplements began in the 1950s, but were initially aimed at bodybuilders.

Protein supplements first came in the form of milk powder, then whey protein (better known as whey) appeared in the 70s and 80s, quickly becoming popular.

It was especially during the 1990s and 2000s that the dietary supplement industry has grown extremely rapidly and that protein powders were marketed almost everywhere.

In addition, scientific studies have confirmed their effectiveness and they have then been adopted by a wider public, thus finally establishing their notoriety. But are they really safe? Not so sure…

News: ANSES sounds the alarm

Although studies show that protein powders are effective for lose weight et gain muscle massthis does not mean that they are safe!

And the fact that they are accessible to an ever-wider audience only increases this risk exponentially.

Alarming figures

The National Health Security Agency (ANSES) takes stock and it must be recognized that the figures are worrying:

  • 154 : this is the number of cases having been the subject ofside effects occurring between 2016 and 2024
  • 18 : this is the number of cases considered very serious among those mentioned above
  • 4 : this is the number of people who saw their pronostic vital engagé following the consumption of protein powder
  • 2 : this is the number of death reported.

More or less serious side effects

The list of side effects associated with taking protein powders is long. We list, among others, among the most common:

  • Digestive disorders (bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation);
  • Dehydration;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Headaches;
  • Fatigue;
  • Weight gain;
  • And kidney dysfunction ;
  • Liver damage;
  • Bone health disorders;
  • Of the strokes and other neurological symptoms;
  • Non-serious but bothersome cardiovascular disorders such as the tachycardia ;
  • Serious and fatal cardiovascular disorders such as cardiac arrest.

The protein powder scandal

You should know that consumed protein powders do not always contain as much protein as we think and, in any case, only what is mentioned on the labels.

Manufacturers allow themselves to add ingredients harmful to health, which sometimes pass through quality controls.

Certain substances involved

Faced with the popularity of food supplements for athletes on the market, we observe the emergence of products with more or less dubious, dangerous and illegal composition, in particular the presence of:

  • Anabolic steroids : synthetic hormones imitating the effects of testosterone and aiming to increase muscle mass and strength;
  • Clenbuterol : initially used in the treatment of asthma, it promotes weight loss and increases muscle mass;
  • Ephedrine : a central nervous system stimulant acting as an appetite suppressant and increasing physical performance.

Manufacturers are lying to you with fake labels!

At the origin of this scandal, a non-profit association mandated by consumers and aimed at ensuring the quality of food supplements through in-depth product analyzes carried out by independent laboratories.

Fin 2023, the nutricontrole association analyzes 9 brands of food supplements and it appears that only 3 brands respect the protein content indicated on the label.

And the gap is significant since 90% protein is promised when we see only 63% for the All Sport Labs (ASL) brand or 8.9% for Ultim ISO.

The box being full and the weight consistent, the second question to ask is: “What are proteins replaced by?”. The analyzes carried out reveal the sad truth, you risk ending up with:

  • Low quality and less expensive amino acids aimed at replacing whey concentrate or isolate, such as taurine, lysine or creatine;
  • sugar (while on the label of the Future Lab brand the quantity announced is 0.28% sugar, we actually find 24%) which, in addition to the fact that it is harmful to health, is even dangerous for diabetics.

What may come as a surprise is that this serious health problem concerns many brands from different countries, including those of the European Union. Even more astonishingly, France tops the list of frauds.

Indeed, it seems that our quality controls are less elaborate, less meticulous and less rigorous than those of other European countries.

But is it the manufacturer himself who deliberately deceives consumers or the production factories who deceive manufacturers and, by extension, consumers? Here, the subject still needs to be explored.

Considering the above, are you considering ditching your protein powder? That’s understandable! Please note that there are nevertheless some tips to avoid pitfalls and consume with complete peace of mind.

Traps to avoid

Generally speaking, if you buy a protein powder very cheap and very sweet tastingbeware! Likewise, if you order your products online and you notice that the site does not have neither legal notices nor general conditions of salerun away, because this means that this brand has, a priori, something to hide from you.

Points of vigilance

If you want to check a product before purchasing or consuming it, you can go to the site nutricontrole.frwhich is at the origin of the scandal and has already analyzed numerous brands.

You can therefore calmly select a manufacturer who respects its promises. We recommend that you opt for protein supplements complying with European standard EN17444:2021this constituting a guarantee of quality and safety. In fact, this repository of good practices ensures that you:

  • L’absence of prohibited substances such as doping products;
  • The rigorous selection of raw materials whose origin is guaranteed;
  • Carrying out quality controls at each stage of production;
  • The traceability complete with all ingredients;
  • The transparency manufacturers.
sport-cat-date-updated">Updated by Emma on:02/10/2024

Our protein items

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