Food poisoning: How it is treated – The causes and the most common symptoms

Food poisoning: How it is treated – The causes and the most common symptoms

Summer is still here and it is essential that we all know how to protect ourselves from emergencies that can pose a risk to our health.

One of them is poisoning caused by substances either natural or chemical and one or more vital functions are disturbed. Sometimes these substances can be life-threatening.

Most substances enter through the mouth (medicines, detergents, industrial products, food microbes, pesticides, etc.), while a smaller percentage is either inhaled (carbon monoxide CO, industrial solvents, etc.) or absorbed by the skin or mucous membranes (insecticides, herbicides), or injected (by injection or bites of reptiles, insects or animals).

In Greece, the largest percentage of poisonings is due to drugs and less to detergents, while food poisoning is also very common.

Poisonings are classified into: accidental, intentional, occupational, iatrogenic, drug abuse. Because the list of toxic substances is huge, the Poison Center operates on a 24-hour basis and information is given. In Greece the phone number is: 2107793777.

Specifically for food poisoning, this is the result of consuming contaminated or spoiled toxic food or liquid.

Food poisoning can be mainly due to:


Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus)
Clostridium botulinum
E. Coli
Salmonella (Salmonella)
Yersinia enterocolitica (Yersinia enterocolitica)


Hepatitis A virus
Nora viruses


Cryptosporidium (Cryptosporidium parvum)
Entamoeba histolytica
Λάμβλια ( Giardia lamblia)
Toxoplasma (Toxoplasma gondii)
Trichinella or spiral (Trichinella spiralis)


Meat, poultry
Eggs, dairy
Insufficiently washed fruits and vegetables

Chemical substances


Especially in the summer months with the high temperatures in our country, spoiled food is the most common cause of food poisoning.

The most common symptoms

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, blood in the stool, headache, fever, feeling weak.

Symptoms of poisoning usually last a day or two, but in severe cases may last longer. The most common are vomiting and diarrhea.


Avoid eating foods rich in fiber and fat as they increase bowel motility. For the same reason it is good to avoid dairy products.
Eat solid foods such as rice, white meat, chicken, boiled potatoes, well-boiled carrots and zucchini, banana, pear, apple, white toast or white bread.
Drink plenty of fluids such as water, tea, apple juice gradually increasing the amount, starting with 1 teaspoon every 5 minutes as vomiting and diarrhea can cause electrolyte loss and dehydration.
The use of any medication is always done in consultation with the attending physician.

When to seek medical help



Good hand washing.
Good washing of fruits and vegetables.
Good washing of the kitchen counters and the sink before and after preparing food.
Good roasting of meat, especially chicken.
Check the expiration date on all products without exception.
Avoiding consumption of unpasteurized dairy products (e.g. shepherd’s milk or cheese).
Observance of hygiene rules in the care of pets.
Informing travelers about the sanitary conditions prevailing in the countries they will visit.

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#Food #poisoning #treated #common #symptoms



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