Food, Egon | Feeling cheated on Egon: – I don’t think I’ve experienced this before – Telemarksavisa

Bergen newspaper food reviewer, Ove Svendsen, ordered a 250 gram entrecôte at Egon Kjøttbasaren in central Bergen.

This is served with broccolini, corn cream, béarnaise and fries, and costs DKK 419.

He also ordered mashed potatoes as a side dish, which cost NOK 21.

– I feel deceived. At the fateful moment I decided on this mash, someone took away the fries – despite the fact that I have paid for steak, béarnaise and fries, he writes in the food review.

– How can an additional dish for NOK 21 replace a french fries I’ve already paid for?, he continues.

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– A bit stupid

He says to Nettavisen that it is not okay.

– I think it was a bit stupid. I wanted fries too, but that’s more of a matter of principle. If you order one dish and pay extra for a side dish, you should get both, he says.

Svendsen is a trained sommelier with over 20 years of experience with food and drink from the restaurant industry. He has reported for BA since 2020.

– I don’t think I’ve experienced this before, he says.

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I think it should be marked with a large warning triangle

In the comments section under the food review on TikTok, someone points out that mashed potatoes actually cost NOK 38, but that it costs NOK 21 if you want to exchange fries for mashed potatoes.

– Then I think the menu is somewhat misleading. Then it could have stood instead of. I didn’t get the impression of that when I ordered, but it could be that I saw wrong, says Svendsen.

– I love french fries. If the consequence is that Egon takes your fries, this should be marked with a huge warning triangle in the menu, he says.

Nettavisen has looked at the restaurant’s menu, which they have on their website, but can’t find anything about it.

– What do you think Egon should do?

– I said nothing about it, so they had no chance to correct it. But if the menu is unclear, of course they have to fix it, and make the menu clearer, he says.

Egon answers

The general manager of Egon Kjøttbasaren, Andreas Fallmyr, writes in an email to Nettavisen that what is commented on TikTok is true, that mashed potatoes actually cost NOK 38, but that it costs NOK 21 if you want to exchange fries for mashed potatoes.

– It is the first time we have received this feedback, so we will take it into account at the next menu change, writes Fallmyr, stating that this should be more clearly marked.

He thinks it’s fun that people take the time to read the Egon menu properly.

– There is a lot of good food and details to discover there. When it comes to prices, it is actually the case that some raw materials are more expensive than others. Therefore, if you replace fries with something that costs more, we also have to charge a little more, writes Fallmyr.

He says that is a newcomer to the menu.

– It is made from potatoes, cream, butter and spices, and everything is made from scratch in our kitchen. It’s a bit more work than making fries, writes Fallmyr.

He says that when it comes to the price, they have made the mashed potatoes cheaper if you add it as an extra to the fries.

– We want more people to get a taste of it. Therefore, it actually costs less to add it than to replace it with fries. Kind of like a taste test bonus! So yes, if you pay NOK 38, you get both the mashed potatoes and a delicious portion of fries – quite a good deal, isn’t it?, he writes.

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French Fries Fiasco: A Hungry Horror Story

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round! If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that ordering food should never feel like a game of Russian roulette. But our friend Ove Svendsen, a food reviewer with 20 years of experience, apparently walked into the culinary equivalent of a horror film at Egon Kjøttbasaren in Bergen.

Now, Ove ordered a delicious-sounding 250-gram entrecôte for the rather prestige price of DKK 419. He’s treated to broccolini, corn cream, béarnaise, and… wait for it… fries. A heavenly match made in the gastronomic gods’ kitchen! And just when you think the evening couldn’t get any better, Ove decides to add mashed potatoes for a mere NOK 21. Spoiler alert: the fries vanished! Poof! Like a magician at a bad gig!

The Potato Quandary

Ove was left in utter disbelief: “How can an additional dish for NOK 21 replace a french fries I’ve already paid for?” It’s a bit like ordering a five-star meal and finding out they’ve replaced your lobster with a rubber chicken. You don’t just swap sides without telling the diner, do you? Unless, of course, you’re trying to run a restaurant that doubles as a theatre of the absurd.

Our wine connoisseur wasn’t merely miffed about the switcheroo; he was indignant! “I think it was a bit stupid.” Wise words from someone who clearly knows his way around a plate. Ove, it seems, is not just any reviewer—he’s a sommelier, so his palate is probably more refined than a Savile Row suit!

Béarnaise Bafflement

But what’s the deal with the sides, anyway? Apparently, there’s a sneaky little note in the pricing structure that says if you want to swap fries for mashed potatoes, it’s less of a trade and more of a bargain—if the bargain doesn’t leave you feeling hoodwinked, that is! Ove claimed the menu might be a tad misleading. “Then it could have stood instead of. I didn’t get the impression of that when I ordered,” he lamented. And really, how would you? You go in for fries, not an amateur magic show!

A Menu with a Warning Triangle?

Ove’s insistence that the menu should carry a “huge warning triangle” is spot on! Honestly, this is an issue that transcends mere dining; it’s about principles. The notion of exchanging fries for mashed potatoes might make sense mathematically, but in the war of the palates, it’s just wrong! It’s like entering a boxing ring and finding out your opponent is a balloon animal!

“If the consequence is that Egon takes your fries, this should be marked with a huge warning triangle in the menu,” he exclaimed. And who can blame him? Not having the fries he rightfully paid for must feel like biting into a chocolate bar only to discover it’s actually filled with broccoli. A horror beyond comprehension!

Egon’s Response

Now, the big cheeses at Egon Kjøttbasaren haven’t taken this lightly. The general manager, Andreas Fallmyr, responded with the tact of a seasoned diplomat. He confirmed that, yes, the mashed potatoes cost NOK 38 normally but just NOK 21 when swapped. “It is the first time we have received this feedback, so we will take it into account at the next menu change,” he reassured. Well, good on you, Andreas! At least you’re considering a menu remodel, but let’s hope it’s not the culinary version of giving a dog a rusted squeaky toy.

Fallmyr even insisted that people should take their time to read the menu properly! Really, Andreas? “There is a lot of good food and details to discover,” he mentioned. Sure, if you’ve got a magnifying glass and some top-shelf detective skills.

The Final Word

So what have we learned here today? Always read the fine print before committing to a dinner that’s supposed to be a joyous affair, not an episode of Survivor: Culinary Edition. Remember, dear diners, if you order fries, you better make sure they’re coming home with you—especially if you have to fight for them!

Until next time, keep your forks ready and your menus clear. Bon appétit!



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