Food aid offered to needy Florida families | Videos | Univision 23 Miami WLTV

[úsica]eileen: thanks for continuingwith us. the high onesprices on productsAsians is carrying manyin south florida toseek help from organizationswho provide food.toured some of theseplaces and tells us how is thesituation to which they arefacing theseorganizations.yesterday:>> the time how they are paid orcompensates or does not balance theexpenses that really.must have>> Joana Fuentes live for andlike many he had to come toseek help at headquartersflorida where they offer foodfree to take foodto your house.jahana: I came recently froma different state. I arrivedaá a floridaand it is expensive.>> According to official figures, thefood has gone up a 10 . 1%, theelectricity 12% and thefuel, 48% inflationsticking with everything in the pocket.we are in miami where everyoneOn Mondays there is afood deliveryand I want you to see the line.this is the beginning the line ofcarscovers regarding five blocks.let’s talk to someonethe people you are waiting forto receive these foods.What time did you readeilee at 1:00 in the>> at 1:00 in the followingnoon.>> is it the first time you come?>> I come often. thefood is very expensive. themoney is not enough because everythingis above the valueit cost if you were withoutpesos, now you have to spend300.>> in the church of godlocated at 17 51 delnorthwest at 115th streetEnter meats for vegetables andproducts provided by theorganization.>> we are seeing more peoplecooking help.>> the president of florida ussays it has 300 agencies andthat the demand for aid issteadily increasing.>> with the economic crisisstarted to climb back to one.1 million people and with morefrequency.>> for information onfood deliveries visitthe web page on the screen.raine.eileen: very difficultsituation. let’s talkwith gilberto zepeda who isdirector of communications andmarketing.this is also onenon-profit organizationthat since 1991 are deliveringfood to families wingsneedy. of ourcommunity. thanks for beingwith us. let’s talkregarding this cost of livinggeneral.have seen an increase inpeople you help?>> we’re seeing greatincrease because peoplethey are already under a momentcheap you can live.Many of those families haveenough to pay forrent, for the gas in your car,casa.when there is more gas added andput ace price kondogbian afood, peoplecan survive.eileen: how does it compare to thepandemic, for example?Are you seeing people?>> at the beginning of the pandemicwhen there was nothing we wereto 3.5 million peopledown from food insecurityin the state of Florida. went upto 5.5 million people inin three months it rose from 3.5 to5.5 people who neededfood and right now we areupgrading once more to 4.2millions of people. quarterof them are children under theage of 15 years. we are fineworried that right nowIf we don’t get help fromfederal government we are not going tobe able to feed thefamilies in the stateflorida coming from august theSeptember.eileen: how it works andtell us regarding the tripare planning to go towashington.>> we work with farmsin the state of florida forpick up food and followingwrite that same foodfree to families whothey need.we depend on moneyof the federal government, thegovernment the state of theflorida to be able to operateour trucks, operateour complete stuff and it’swhat we are afraid of losingright now. the help ofgovernment in order to haveus enough to havegas in our trucks andbe able to feed thefamilies in need.eileen: what kind of productsoffer?gilberto: we focus on bringingfruits and vegetables. we wantthat families in needget out of those bad timeshave a healthy food,that it be a food that is going tohelp them in their health.then focus on givingfood that will be able to do thatwith fruits and vegetables.eileen: what are theproblems they have?>> we have several, but apartwe have a programfocuses on families who do notThey have transportation.many times an old manfamily that does not have a car andneed help with food.we are having differenttakeaway programsto that person. also thethey had no money and began toreturn to pets.we started working with aorganization to providefood for dogs and cats inour institutions.eileen: if a person needshelp what can you do?>> all services arefree to the public. It is notnecessary to arrive or havemoney. we give it allfree and our servicescan be found inour web page.eileen: they are having an eventdelivery this nextweek?>> yes. we have an event onMartes with Miami College.has opened in all its fieldsin Miami Florida. we are going tohave food distinctionon the hialeah campus, asyou, north and in kendall.we will have distribution offoods for whichneed.eileen: and that informationIt will also be on the web pagefrom you.>> yes. one can find, nonothing more than the estimate offood, bell and where to goyour areas or community canfind can put on the page andcan be found by placing yourzip code the food in yourneighborhood.eileen: if anyone wantsvolunteer andwants to help peoplewho are going through these timesdifficult, what can you do?>> right now we needall help. nothing more thanvolunteers, but anyperson who can send uswith any help togetheranyone who wantscome to help us can go another

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