2023-05-31 11:22:43
As a patron of the arts and sciences, Anne Gruner Schlumberger has supported contemporary composers such as Roger Blanchard (1919-2011), Erich Itor Kahn (1905-1956) and Gérard Grisey (1946-1998).
In order to continue to support artistic creation, the Fondation des Treilles sponsors a composition residency award dedicated to the production of a musical work for concert, stage or audiovisual purposes, for which the candidate has already signed a contract of commission with a public or private musical institution .
The prize consists of a three-month stay at the Domaine des Treilles (Var) with a monthly allowance of €2,650, paid according to the length of the stay.
Applications are open to all nationalities from October 1st to December 31st.
Only professional candidates whose music has already been recorded or performed may apply.
The project for which the candidate submits his/her application must be commissioned by a public or private institution (Opera House, Orchestra, AV producer etc…). The commissioning contract must identify both parties, the musical work, the commission fee as well as the date of completion ( later than the stay at the foundation).
Applications are received via an online form including a CV, the list of works already composed and a presentation of the project. At the same time, candidates must send to prix.fdt@les-treilles.com :
- at least two scores (in PDF format only) and the corresponding recordings or links to these recordings, if not the sound files (in mp3 or mp4 format only) ;
- the commissioning contract.
All applications are evaluated by the jury, which selects a laureate.
To know when to send your application, please refer to the applications deadlines.
The prize winner will be hosted at the Domaine des Treilles for a total period of three months, although the stay may be fragmented. The first trip to and from the Fondation des Treilles is refunded. Meals and accommodation are also provided by the Foundation, which allows the laureate to devote himself/herself fully to his/her creative project.
The laureate is housed in the sheepfold housewhich includes a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and the composition studio.
This composition studio is equipped with an upright piano, a keyboard, a sound card and speakers.
The laureate must bring his/her own computer.
The laureate undertakes to respect the rules and regulations of the music composition residency.
At the end of the residency, the prizewinner is invited to give a copy of his or her score to the Foundation’s music library.
The jury is composed of 7 personalities from the musical world :
- Philippe Hersant, composer, president of the jury
- Ivan Alexandre, musicologist and director, director of the Voice Academy,
- Régis Campo, of the Académie des Beaux-Arts, composing,
- Alphonse Cemin, conductor and pianist,
- Thierry Escaich, of the Fine Arts Academy, composer,
- Jean-Pierre Luminet, astrophysicist,
- Maryvonne de Saint Pulgent, President of the Fondation des Treilles, representing the Board of Directors
Fondation des Treilles: Prize for musical composition
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