FOMipymes project seeks to generate business opportunities and growth for 4,000 MSMEs

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIC) and the Taiwanese Embassy launched the FoMipymes Phase II project, which will provide opportunities for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

The Vice Minister of MSMEs, Gustavo Giménez, highlighted that it is expected to impact around 4,000 businesses directly with the programs to be developed within the project.

FoMipymes will focus on MSMEs in the textile and dairy industries, through technical assistance and support for their commercial growth.

It is a joint initiative between the MIC and the Taiwan Technical Mission that since 2019 has been working to strengthen business skills in the textile, clothing, yerba mate, leather and footwear, and dairy sectors, as well as organizing the four editions of the National MSME Award and the 2023 MSME Business Roundtable.

Vice Minister Giménez indicated that the implementation of technology will be crucial to improve the quality of production in these sectors. In addition, the collaboration with FOMipymes will allow working together with Taiwan, taking advantage of its knowledge and development in these markets.

In addition, this second phase of the FOMipymes project will include the use of 3D tools in the prototyping phase of clothing and the introduction of functional fabrics from Taiwan to position the textile sector in the international market and the application of IoT (Internet of Things) technology to monitor the production process of Paraguay cheese.

Likewise, assistance will be sought for MSMEs in accessing financing, developing programs and tools that facilitate access to credits, microcredits and other forms of financing, as well as establishing agreements between the Vice Ministry of MSMEs and financial institutions to offer appropriate financial products to microenterprises.

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2024-07-24 16:33:16



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