following the Hopkins study, Tomi Lahren atomizes the “enclosers”

« Containment measures have had little or no effect on Covid-19 mortality “. This is the conclusion of a meta-analysis from the prestigious Johns Hopkins University, taken up with fanfare by presenter Tomi Lahren on February 4 on Fox Nationthe paid streaming platform of the Fox News channel.

« It’s almost like some of us haven’t said it since day one for two years.s”, she remarks to the address of all the mainstream press.

See also: Lockdown measures had no effect on Covid mortality, Hopkins University finds

A finding that echoes the analysis on confinement produced by Xavier Azalbert (director of the publication of FranceSoir) and Dr Gérard Delépine (surgeon oncologist and statistician), published in June 2020, qualified by “le Monde” as “pamphlet without half measures“.

Strengthened by the accuracy of her positions, the facilitator lets go: ” Well, who’s stupid now? adding: ” With few exceptions, all of the so-called conspiracy theories that we pointed out at the outset of this case have come to pass. »

If she is satisfied with the release of this study, Tomi Lahren insists that it was not necessary to wait for its publication to guess that these health restrictions, prejudicial to freedoms and fundamental rights, were ineffective. And to wonder: Now that we have this study and concrete, solid evidence, will Fauci, the CDC, the covidists, who legitimately question the official narrative, turn around? » before asking : « Where are their public apologies? ».

Moreover, having mentioned the disastrous social and economic cost of health policy highlighted by the work of Johns Hopkins University, she does not hide her concern about the studies that will be published in the future on the harmful consequences of this health policy on public health. A diatribe which was also an opportunity to emphasize the non-compliance with these measures by the same people who were advocating for them.

These words echo those of the American Damani Felder, who considered that the restriction policies had no health aim but, in reality, constituted an effort by the government to gradually establish a system of social control by means of a discourse of trivialization.

See also: “The new world order will eventually burn” Damani Felder

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