Following an increase in respiratory symptoms, they call for annual vaccination

Asuncion, IP Agency.- Data from the Ministry of Health reveal an increase in the notification of respiratory symptoms. In week (SE) 32, 30,582 consultations for influenza were identified nationwide, which reflects an increase of 7 percent compared to the previous week.

As for the proportion of hospitalized patients, the Sentinel Centers reported an increase of 1 percent compared to the previous week. In this last week, 388 patients were hospitalized for severe acute respiratory infections (SARI).

64 percent correspond to the pediatric age group, with a predominance of children under 2 years of age in 60 percent of cases. Meanwhile, 36 percent of hospitalizations are concentrated in older children, with 62 percent being people over 60 years of age.

According to the weekly report, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus and SARS-CoV2 were identified circulating among those hospitalized. Cases of Metapneumovirus, influenza and Parainfluenza were also recorded.

So far this year, 788 people have been hospitalized due to respiratory syncytial virus, 575 of whom are children under 2 years of age, which corresponds to 73 percent of the cases, 112 of whom (19%) were admitted to the intensive care unit and 7 died.

On the other hand, the greatest incidence of influenza is reported in the age group of people over 60 years of age, of which 160 cases (29%) were hospitalized and 16 percent required intensive care.

Among those hospitalized for influenza, only 3.6 percent had been vaccinated annually, while among those hospitalized with a diagnosis of SARS-CoV2, only two had access to immunization this year.


On the other hand, the report reveals that week (SE) 33 closed with 207 confirmed cases of the SARS-CoV2 virus, according to partial data. Fourteen regions of the country have cases of the infection. The highest number of infections is observed in the 20 to 59 age group.

A total of 2,635 samples for SARS-COV2 were processed this week, with a positivity rate of 7.9 percent.

On the other hand, 32 people were hospitalized for Covid-19, and one was admitted to the intensive care unit. The highest number of hospitalized patients is observed in the group of adults over 60 years of age.

No deaths were confirmed at the end of this week. So far this year, 92 deaths from Covid-19 have been reported, with a predominance in the elderly group.

Importance of annual vaccination

The Ministry of Public Health reminds us of the importance of the annual application of the influenza and Covid-19 vaccines to reduce the risk of hospitalizations and associated deaths. It is also essential to keep the regular vaccination schedule of children up to date, especially in those under 5 years of age.

Annual vaccination against circulating respiratory viruses is available at all vaccination centres in the country. These vaccines against influenza and Covid-19 are indicated for the population from 6 months of age onwards.

Measures to prevent infection include the correct use of face masks (do not remove them when coughing or sneezing).

Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing with a tissue or the crook of your elbow, not your hand. This practice reduces the dispersion of droplets and aerosols, as well as the contamination of surfaces.

Other protective measures include frequent hand washing, ventilation of rooms and maintaining distance from people who have respiratory symptoms such as coughing or sneezing.

According to official data from Health Surveillance, at the end of week (SE) 32, an increase in the notification of respiratory symptoms was observed. During this period, 30,582 consultations for influenza were identified nationwide, which reflects an increase of 7% compared to the previous week. With this, the trend curve remains above the alert threshold.

#increase #respiratory #symptoms #call #annual #vaccination
2024-08-28 16:47:13



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