Follow these steps and increase your serotonin level naturally to be happier

The serotonin is a hormone well known for regulating positive and negative moodshence it is popularly known as ‘the happiness hormone‘. It is linked to the control of emotions and mood, although it also fulfills other types of functions. When its levels increase in the neuronal circuits, a sense of well-being, relaxation, satisfaction and increases concentration and self-esteem. On the contrary, low concentrations of it are associated with the symptoms of depression.

The fast pace of life, combined with a poor diet and lack of physical exercise can cause a decreased serotonin levels and, therefore, of the state of mind. Likewise, this deficit can also be caused by a diet low in tryptophans, stress, hormonal changes and diabetes.

The National Cancer Institute define the serotonin, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)as a hormone found in the brain, platelets, digestive tract, and pineal gland that acts as both a neurotransmitter (a substance used by nerves to send messages to each other) and a vasoconstrictor (a substance that causes blood vessels to constrict). tighten).

How to increase serotonin levels naturally

For increase serotonin If it is low, it is important to practice healthy lifestyle habits and follow these strategies:

1. Practice physical exercise

Serotonin is a substance that is released following physical activity practiceespecially if it is done outdoors. Thus, doing sports regularly is key to increasing the synthesis of this substance in the brain.

2. Take care of food

To produce serotonin, the body needs tryptophanwhich is obtained from certain foods such as fruits. In this sense, a study carried out by the University of Binghamton in New York concluded that older adults who consumed fewer carbohydrates and more fruit suffered fewer episodes of depression and anxiety.

  • Banana: helps relax the nervous system and has vitamin B6, a precursor to serotonin.

Banana helps relax the nervous system


  • Piña: it is rich in active compounds such as bromelain, which promotes the production of serotonin
  • Eggs: They have a large amount of tryptophan, an amino acid that the body uses to help produce serotonin and melatonin.
  • dairy: Full-fat dairy has generous amounts of vitamin D and tryptophan.
  • Legumes: they are rich in zinc and magnesium, minerals involved in the synthesis of tryptophan. Those that have more quantity are soybeans, beans, chickpeas and lentils.
  • Dry fruits: They have a large amount of magnesium, especially almonds, walnuts and cashews.
  • Carne: turkey, rabbit and chicken are the ones with the highest amount of tryptophan.

3. Practice relaxation techniques

exercises like the yoga look for the balance between mind and body, which makes it an excellent emotional management tool. It helps control breathing, overcome anxiety and increases the ability to sleep.

Yoga helps overcome anxiety

Yoga helps overcome anxiety

Getty Images/iStockphoto

4. Sleep the necessary hours

While a person sleeps the body restores serotonin levels, so adequate rest is essential for good mental health. In addition, part of the serotonin is transformed into melatonin, a hormone that also promotes sleep.

5. Control vitamin D levels

The vitamin D It is involved in the synthesis of serotonin, so it is common for most people to feel more lively on sunny days. Food does not provide significant doses of this vitamin, the main source is obtained from its synthesis through exposure of the skin to sunlight.

Symptoms of low serotonin

• Sudden changes in mood: more irritable attitude, bad mood, negative thoughts, more aggressiveness, anger, susceptibility and outbursts of anger or crying
• Anxiety
• Fatigue and lack of energy
• Desire to eat foods that are sweet and high in carbohydrates
• Weight gain
• Bad digestion
• Trouble sleeping
• Concentration problems

This information does not replace in any case the diagnosis or prescription by a doctor. It is important to go to a specialist when symptoms appear in case of illness and never self-medicate.

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