Follow it regularly.. Daily habits that improve your memory capabilities

Memory is one of the brain functions that we must pay enough attention to in order for it to be strong in the short and long term.

Regarding the causes of common forgetfulness, Hania Fodad, a psychologist at the LifeWorks Center for Mental Health, says: “In light of the accelerated lifestyle, the excessive use of technology, and the exposure of individuals to psychological pressure, forgetting some things, such as keys or an appointment, is linked to short-term memory, and this state of forgetfulness disappears.” Once you get rid of fatigue and stress, improve sleep and eat a healthy diet.”

And Hania continues: “However, there are significant indications of memory or brain problems in general, which require an urgent visit to a doctor specializing in neurology, which is:

  • Repeated forgetfulness, lost or confusion.
  • Forgetting words, numbers and names of family members.
  • Not knowing the colors despite the safety of the eyes, such as seeing the color red as blue.
  • Difficulty with spatial awareness.
  • Inability to focus and communicate well.
  • Not distinguishing the time periods of the day.
  • Loss of desire to perform previous skills.
  • Mood swings or aggression.

And the psychologist adds to “Sky News Arabia” that we must take into account the decline in our memory as we age, in addition to other factors such as genes and our lifestyle, which are factors that play a major role in memory disorder, as it is expected that the percentage of forgetfulness among people will increase in:

  • Age 65, 5 percent
  • Age 80, 25 percent
  • Age 90, 80 percent

That is why Hania stresses the importance of expediting medical and psychological treatment, in the initial stages of the disease, to delay its speed and limit its effects.

Here are easy ways to sharpen and improve our memory, which can be adopted as healthy habits in our daily lives:

Focus on a healthy diet

One study, published in the journal Alzheimer’s & Dementia, found that the MIND diet reduced the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by 53 percent.

There is growing evidence that a diet rich in omega-3s and vitamins B12 and D can offset age-related cognitive decline.

Add cocoa to your diet

Getting a concentrated dose of antioxidants found in cocoa may help improve memory performance, by stimulating the growth of blood vessels and nerve cells, and increasing blood flow in parts of the brain associated with memory.

Cinnamon and spices are good for brain health

Studies at the “Birjand” University of Medical Sciences revealed a link between eating cinnamon, improving memory and learning abilities, and strengthening memory in the short term. In addition to other spices that have great benefits for brain health, such as turmeric, rosemary, sage, saffron, and ginger.

Improve your gut microbiome

Experts advise improving the gut microbiome, because there are complex interactions between the trillions of bacteria in the gut, and neurons in the brain, by eating enough gut-friendly foods that are rich in fiber like vegetables and fruits, or rich in probiotics like sauerkraut.

Drink plenty of water

Water is essential for the brain to function properly, and dehydration is harmful to short-term memory, mood, attention, and mental performance.

Physical activity

Studies have shown that people who exercise regularly have better brain function than those who do not. It also showed that riding a bicycle for 10 minutes increases activity in the hippocampus of the brain, which is the part involved in remembering events and facts and creating new memories.

Get a good sleep every night

Experts confirm that getting seven to eight hours of sleep each night is vital for brain health.

To improve the quantity and quality of sleep, it is advised to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, avoid using a mobile phone or computer in bed or at least an hour before bedtime, and refrain from caffeinated drinks in the evening.

Do memory exercises

Crossword puzzles, word recall games, and even memory-training mobile apps are excellent ways to strengthen memory and reduce the risk of dementia in older adults.



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