Focus on the role of parliaments in combating terrorism

2023-10-05 18:36:04

International parliamentary coordination meeting to combat terrorism and violent extremism in Vienna

Vienna (PK) On October 4th and 5th, 2023, the fourth coordination meeting of the parliamentary assemblies on combating terrorism and the second political dialogue on the prevention of violent extremism took place in Vienna. In his opening speech at the Political Dialogue, National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka emphasized the importance of parliamentarians in combating terrorism. As part of the coordination meeting, MP Reinhold Lopatka (ÖVP) was re-elected as chairman of the coordination mechanism.

The mechanism aims to coordinate the global efforts of parliamentary assemblies to combat terrorism. Legislation and policy-making are intended to be supported through regular exchange of information. The coordination mechanism was founded by the Parliamentary Engagement Program Office of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Office (UNOCT) in 2021. There are currently 16 parliamentary assemblies taking part, such as the African Parliamentary Union (APU), the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament (PARLATINO), the Asian Parliament Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE PA). The Interparliamentary Union (IPU) is also a cooperation partner. IPU President Duarte Pacheco was represented at the meeting in Vienna.

National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka opens political dialogue

In his opening speech today, National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka emphasized the important role of parliamentarians in preventing and combating violent extremism: “In recent decades we have experienced an increase in intolerance, polarization, extremist movements and terrorism. As parliamentarians, we are responsible “We have a significant responsibility to counteract and prevent these developments. This requires close cooperation with governments, civil society organizations, religious representatives and experts from various fields.”

National Council President Sobotka mentioned the democracy workshop, in which young people are educated about parliamentarism and democratic processes, as an active contribution to prevention work in Austria. The evening before, the international guests had the opportunity to get to know the work of the Democracy Workshop during a tour of the historic parliament building.

As part of the conference, bilateral discussions also took place with members of the Shura Council of Qatar, which was also a co-organizer of the events, and with IPU President Pacheco.

Reinhold Lopatka re-elected as chairman

Deputy Lopatka (ÖVP) was re-elected as Chairman of the Coordination Mechanism of the Parliamentary Assemblies on Combating Terrorism in his role as Chairman of the OSCE PA Ad Hoc Committee on Counter-Terrorism. Lopatka thanked them for the trust and explained that they wanted to continue to focus on the Sahel region, which is most affected by terrorism. “Given that the region is home to one of the youngest populations, is experiencing the fastest growth and faces complex challenges, particularly with regard to terrorism, our regional focus should remain on the Sahel,” Lopakta said. In addition, artificial intelligence in the context of violent extremism and the expansion and strengthening of the mechanism will be the priority areas for next year.

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David Stögmüller in a panel about the role of young people

In his role as chairman of the newly founded network of young parliamentarians in the OSCE PA, MP David Stögmüller (Greens) took part in a panel on the effects of terrorism on young people and also reported on his work in this context. “We launched the network to give younger decision-makers a stronger voice and to give them a more important place at the negotiating table. Our task is to advocate for policies that are future-oriented. But we don’t just want influence on decisions, but also help shape the decision-making processes themselves,” he emphasized.

From the Austrian side, MPs Ernst Gödl (ÖVP), Philipp Schrangl (FPÖ) and Helmut Brandsschläger (NEOS) also took part in the political dialogue. (End) red

A NOTICE: Photos about this event can be found in Parliament web portal.

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