FNOVI solidarity with healthcare workers in Naples

Veterinary Hospital Attack: A Despicable Act of Violence!

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Let’s dive into a rather disturbing event that unfolded at a veterinary hospital in Naples. Yes, you heard it right—violence has crept into the realm of furry friends and their keepers. Apparently, a group of 6-7 people, presumably seeking justice for a 14-year-old dog who kicked the proverbial bucket, decided to take matters into their own hands and storm the veterinary hospital. Now, I’m no doctor, but I’m fairly certain attacking the staff doesn’t usually drop the canine mortality rate!

Now, let’s set the stage. Imagine this: the poor veterinary workers are doing their best, maybe even donning those adorable little scrubs that make them look a bit like medical superheroes, trying to save lives—except, of course, on this occasion, it didn’t quite work out. The unfortunate pooch had been wrestling with several pathologies, and after a few days in the care of these dedicated professionals, it sadly passed away. Instead of throwing a pity party complete with dog-shaped cake, the grieving party opted for some not-so-friendly fisticuffs!

Here’s how the Council of the Order of Naples and the Regional Federation of Orders reacted:

The episode of violence against fellow healthcare workers of the DMVPA of Federico II of Naples represents a criminal act towards our beloved profession, which has always been at the forefront in safeguarding the health of our companion animals. What makes the episode even more serious, if possible, is the attack on students and doctoral candidates in the context of the University halls, a place of study and culture transformed into a theater of vulgar aggression.

Right, so according to the press release, this isn’t just a case of a few rogue mourners throwing punches. No, this was a full-blown assault on the noble profession of veterinary medicine! The Council has taken the high ground, asserting that attacking people trying to mend broken hearts and broken paws is absolutely bananas. And who can blame them? It’s like throwing a pie at a firefighter when your house burns down. Insult to injury, anyone?

But wait! There’s more! They went on to say:

Unfortunately, this is yet another news story, made worse by the fact that it occurred in a training place in front of the eyes of students and trainees, which testifies to a climate of growing violence towards our category, the result of a lack of respect towards the veterinary doctor and a lack of awareness on the part of keepers and owners in the correct management of their four-legged friends.

Yes, you read that correctly. The veterinary profession has become a battleground for those misplaced emotions we call grief and outrage. Instead of jumping at the veterinary staff, how about a heartfelt discussion on responsible pet ownership? Nobody wants a puppy love story ending in tragic violence, right? Let’s channel that energy into understanding the importance of veterinary care instead of berserk behavior!

And hold on; the best is yet to come:

The despicable episode cannot and must not intimidate our colleagues into reporting such acts and also reporting all cases in which mistreatment due to failure to provide veterinary care is reasonable.

So, there you have it! The Council is rallying the troops, urging all their comrades to stand strong, keep the reports coming, and act like responsible veterinarians. Because when you attack the helpers, you’ve clearly missed the essence of the entire dog-and-bone relationship!

In closing, the message is clear: violence is never the answer unless you’re starring in a particularly aggressive remake of Lady and the Tramp, where the spaghetti scene turns into a brawl over the last meatball. Let’s keep our pets healthy, our tempers cool, and leave the theatrics to Rowan Atkinson and the rest of the comedy greats. Remember, it’s all about love, not war!

Stay tuned for more outrageous stories and keep those tails wagging instead of fists flying! Until next time!

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This morning a group of 6-7 people attacked the workers at the veterinary hospital, blaming them for the death of a 14-year-old dog suffering from various pathologies that had been hospitalized for a few days. The violent attack involved teachers and staff.

Below is the press release from the council of the Order of Naples and the Regional Federation of Orders:

The episode of violence against fellow healthcare workers of the DMVPA of Federico II of Naples represents a criminal act towards our beloved profession, which has always been at the forefront in safeguarding the health of our companion animals. What makes the episode even more serious, if possible, is the attack on students and doctoral candidates in the context of the University halls, a place of study and culture transformed into a theater of vulgar aggression.

Unfortunately, this is yet another news story, made worse by the fact that it occurred in a training place in front of the eyes of students and trainees, which testifies to a climate of growing violence towards our category, the result of a lack of respect towards the veterinary doctor and a lack of awareness on the part of keepers and owners in the correct management of their four-legged friends.
The despicable episode cannot and must not intimidate our colleagues into reporting such acts and also reporting all cases in which mistreatment due to failure to provide veterinary care is reasonable.

The Council of the Order of Veterinary Doctors of the province of Naples and the Campania Regional Federation of Veterinary Orders express full solidarity with the attacked colleagues and announce active closeness to their colleagues from the DMVPA in the proceedings that will arise before the judicial authorities to clarify the matter.



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