Fnac: a take-back bonus for the purchase of an iPhone 13, MacBook Air or iPad

A recovery operation + bonus on the purchase of Apple equipment is organized for a few days or weeks in Fnac stores. It consists of offering a reduction voucher – from 20 to 120 € – following having brought a second-hand iPhone, iPad or Mac that still has trade-in value and decides to buy a new one.

For iPhones, once the trade-in value of an old model has been accepted, Fnac adds a €100 voucher to be used for the purchase of a iPhone 13 or 13 Pro et 13 Pro Max. For Macs, it’s buying a MacBook Air M1 which gives rise to an additional reduction of €120. Finally, it is a very modest boost of €20 which is given for a Entry-level iPad.

You can evaluate the price of taking back your equipment on this page, knowing that the storage volume (a little) increases the rating. For example, a 64 GB iPhone XR will be taken back at best €147 and a 128 GB €167. Contrary to apple shopping credit for whom a 512 GB iPhone is not worth more than the same in 64 GB.

€51 for a 128 GB iPhone 7, might as well offer it to a parent with a refurbished battery…

Also note that the values ​​given as examples on the marketing visuals do not necessarily correspond to reality. Depending on the case, the recovery estimate is higher, sometimes it is also lower. This operation lasts until August 11 for the purchase of an iPhone 13 Pro, August 21 for an iPhone 13 and September/October for the iPad and MacBook Air.

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