Fly In Festival: Weather Woes Cancel Activities on Saturday, Hopes Rise for a Successful Sunday

2023-07-01 13:37:00

Following the capricious weather this Saturday, most of the activities planned at the aerodrome as part of the Fly In Festival are cancelled.

Indeed, the flight conditions are not met and most of the pilots therefore did not make the trip to Saint-Hubert. The demonstration of the Agusta A109 of the Belgian army, although very present on the spot this Saturday, was also not held.

Fingers crossed for Sunday

Wave of hope, it is the weather forecast for this Sunday that seems to announce a much more lenient weather.

Microlights, gliders or even Extra 330LX should therefore be out this Sunday.

For the organizers, it is obviously a hard blow. “The weather conditions are catastrophic for this day of Saturday since they do not allow landings and take-offs here in Saint-Hubert emphasizes Jean-Charles Van der Wielen, the organizer of the event. It’s disappointing because we had a lot of people expected. We will try to catch up tomorrow since the conditions seem to be better. The planned pilots are in any case waiting for the green light to reach the aerodrome as quickly as possible.

This disturbed day, we suspect that it is a financial blow for the organizers.

“It is clear that it is not negligible, although Sunday is always the day when the world is more present continues the organizer. So we still have hope of saving this weekend despite everything.”

#weather #spoils #SaintHubert #Fly #festival #wait #Sunday

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